
Started by ula ula, August 04, 2008, 10:32:46 PM

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ula ula

   every one, over her we are just over month of spring  have flow on. bees arebuilding up. now i ordered Queens they will be ready in October.could i do splits now in to nuces let them rear thee own Queens than when i get the other queens replace them. as i wont to double my hives. would i be in front doing this or am i better of waiting till i get my Queens.allot of awe natives are budded up  plus i noticed the sandal wood are starting to flower.plenty of pollen coming in plus nectar.the cold es it been her is minus four that is cold for her.regards ula ula


Hi there,

I'm from down south, nice to meet you :).

Your winter is over already? Wow, I guess you don't really have much winter that far north.

Question: What's the brood situation like in your hives? I take it its expanding and there are drones present?

Careful, my pets can smell your hives. 8)

ula ula

   the hive i wont to split is 2 langsstroth 1o frames deep with to honey supers on top plenty of drones, i noticed  yesterday they are making plenty wax .allot nectar pollen coming in, the trees her seem to be early this year. dont no if it has something to do with climate change the sandal wood is going nuts plus the fuzzie box.spoke to a fella that Selle's bee gear .told me further out in the channel country they have started re queening all ready.that about 350km away by road. be closer as the crow flies what do you think as this is my first season with th am


Let the bees build up and split them when your mated queens arrive!
You lose to much valuable time by letting them try to raise their own queens. One of them or more will become a laying worker hive and that makes re queening very difficult.
Just try to be patient.
(Queen Breeder)
(Queen Breeder)