feral hive for sale on ebay... that's a new one!

Started by justgojumpit, December 27, 2004, 11:34:01 PM

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if anyone wants this, i would buy it under the condition that it is alive in spring and you can pick it up then

Keeper of bees and builder of custom beekeeping equipment.


:rainbowflower:  Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.   :rainbowflower:


My pictures.Type in password;  youview


Well that's an interesting twist to bee removal.  I want you to come do a removal for me, but I want you to pay me to do it! :shock:
By the rude bridge that arched the flood
Their flag to Aprils breeze unfurled
Here once the embattled farmers stood
And fired the shot heard round the world


They built in the open. hmmmmm.... I raised gamecocks for a while.  The neighbor apologized that his dogs got a few of them every hatch.  Hey.. no problem.. if they weren't smart enough to avoid a dog.. they weren't any good to me.. bahhahahahahahahahha

Horns Pure Honey

That sounds to risky to me. Als sounds like a stupid deal no matter how you look at it, they should pay you. bye
Ryan Horn

Beth Kirkley

Selling wild bees over the internet? I think that is really dumb. I don't imagine anyone will bid on it.
I'm speechless.



I love it!!!

People will think of anything!!

Makes you wonder what regular people think about beekeepers...


I like how they dont even tell you how high it is.  :lol:
"If you have no money and you have few possessions, if you have a dog you are still rich"
"Forgiveness is easier to get than permission"

Horns Pure Honey

Regular people prob. think we are all idiots. lol, bye
Ryan Horn

Bruce Hanson

I have a herd, some people call it a pile of well trained rocks that would make exellent pets. They can be trained to sit on top of your beehives to keep the cover from blowing off.  Prices depends on the age and sex of the rock.

Beth Kirkley

I have quite a few VERY well trained rocks. When I place them in a spot, they stay put until I move them again. Maybe I should sell them on e-bay. Ya think? I really have more than I need. Also, I have some well trained stumps for those out there that would like something that has a little more "texture & variety".  All of the stumps are naturally sterile, require very little care, and no feed. Most of the rocks are the same way, but I have a few in the garden that I believe are breeders, because every year I find new smaller ones scattered throughout the rows. But whether breeders or not, they all require little to no care, and no feed. They are all SO well behaved, and easily raised and managed by even children.
Would you like a few? :)



Prices are indirectly proportional to the buyers I.Q. level! :lol:
By the rude bridge that arched the flood
Their flag to Aprils breeze unfurled
Here once the embattled farmers stood
And fired the shot heard round the world


I think Ill take two rocks( medium size) and one stump, make it oak( we are kinda short on space). Here is my address.

Diamond Lane
Highway 101, CA, 98765

By the way, You didn't list any prices Beth. Please get back to me asap. Thanx.


Beth! I want one of those rocks! They sound soooo cool!
