Bees wanted

Started by SgtMaj, September 22, 2008, 10:26:52 AM

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So, I'm just going to throw this out there... does anyone that lives within a few hours driving distance have any nucs or package bees they'd be willing to sell?


Can you please define "a few hours". :-D   Where is the adventure if it is not a road trip? :-P  Try to give a pm to;u=4182, you may be closer to some bees than you think.


pdmaddtox, 2-3 hours driving each way.  Or somewhere within about 180-200 miles.  I just sent the PM, hopefully will hear something back real soon.


drive to Boone county-he will sell you good bees  8-) RDY-B
or you can try dixe bee they are an hour closer