Alien Abduction?

Started by Jerrymac, October 09, 2008, 02:04:52 PM

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Anybody had that problem?

For several days I counted five of my layers when I should have six. I counted them many times trying to figure out what happened to one. Even sent my son under the house looking for her. She was gone.

Also I am suppose to have 27 birds left from the last batch I ordered. Lost some to weird accidents. But for a few days I could only count 26. So I thought I forgot how I lost one.

Then.... All of a sudden.... One day they were all there again. I had to count them several times to convince myself that I was counting correctly. And yes, they were all there.

I asked but they wouldn't tell me where they were.
:rainbowflower:  Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.   :rainbowflower:


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One hen decided to brood some eggs elswere , but a snake probably got the eggs and chased her home . :?


They are Rhode Island Reds. From everything I have read they very rarely brood.

But still.... where would the other "too young to lay" been during the same period  :shock:
:rainbowflower:  Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.   :rainbowflower:


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Jerry, no clue, I bet one was taking some R&R when you were counting them, she probably was just sleepy and takin' that break.  Now, if you could hear the birds speaking to you, like Brian Bray can, hee, hee  :-X ;) :) :) :) then she probably could have told you a tale or two.  Maybe she was abducted, you could try to ask her if she had been probed, read Brian's post here, he can understand the way that critters speak.  Have that most beautiful and awesome day, and lovin' life.  Cindi,13103.0.html
There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service


I had an abduction.

This spring I bought 7 adult guineas. I left for two months of training with the Army. When I got back, I only had 4. They get out of the field they're pastured on and wonder other peoples' fields all the time. I jsut assumed that three bit the dust in those months I was gone.

I've been back over two months now and last week I suddenly had 5 guineas. I looked at the prodigal hen and said, "I remember you." We'll see if the other two show up. I doubt it. I think they're gone for good now taht all 5 are here I don't hear any annoying noises from adjoining fields, but it is good to get #5 to come back home.

She's probably back because of the weather. First snow was this weekend. Bugs are dying off and free meals are an easy way to fill her crop back at the coop.
After 18 months of reading and preparation, my girls finally arrived on April 11th (2006)!


#6 showed up! Too bad it was in the mouth of my neighbors dog. He left her on their driveway half dead. I found her as I came out of church walking home with my two kids.

I picked her up, inspected her and found a hunk out of her back under a wing. I took her home, cleaned out the wound with iodine solution and sprayed it with Blu Kote and put her to rest in a nest box out in the coop. An hour later she was still there. 4 hours later she was dead. Too bad.

This morning I went out to feed the chickens and found a dead one that had clearly been killed and half eaten. I chased the same dog that killed my guinnea out of that pasture on Friday. I can only assume that it was him who killed this hen too. They are all locked up on the coop run (40x80') today except the geese--they can take care of themselves.

Looks like I may have to have a talk with my neighbor.
After 18 months of reading and preparation, my girls finally arrived on April 11th (2006)!


Thomas, oh no, that is a real bummer.  Once a dog has the taste of chicken blood, I have heard that they are now a killer that cannot be stopped.  Eeeks!!!  You are definitely going to have to have a talk with that neighbour.  I feel bad for you, there is nothing worse than a needless death.  Have a wonderful day, Cindi
There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service


My daughters wiener dog killed a couple of my chickens so we make sure he  stays in the house when the birds are out. We put a muzzle on him and let him out once. I thought he was going to run himself to death trying to get the chickens. He would chase them all over the place, try to get the muzzle off. Chase some more. I never knew a long short legged dog could run so fast and jump so high. It was like he was possessed.

This is not him, but it looks like him.

:rainbowflower:  Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.   :rainbowflower:


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When I was a kid if a dog killed a chicken The dog got killed. My Grandpa told me once he kills he will keep killing. So every time I get a dog I teach her a lesson real fast my dog just sniffs them. It's funny when they chase her she looks at me with a what do I do look.
Fight organized crime!  Re-elect no one.


Simulair to that Irwin but my wee dog took it a step further and if the hens pecked at her she would grab them by the back of the leg a hold them for up to 10 minutes or more before letting them go I fear it is stressing them but they all seem to leave each other alone now. The dog picked up this habit when the cats wouldn't play with her it us to end in hours of fun with the cats and dog rolling around one another.

Hopefully this is as far as it will ever get.

My Dog...


Irwin, I know that look well!  My dog only sniffs em, & tries to stay out of the way but when I feed her on the deck, they will come up & steal food out of her dish!  Then its the sad eyes..HELP! till I chase em off the deck.  The sprayer on the hose works, all I have to do is pick it up & they scamper off..they don't like being sprayed!  J
I'm covered in Beeesssss!  Eddie Izzard


It was a real laugh today. I got one chihuahua that thinks he rules everything. But the roosters don't back down. Sometimes the other chihuahua goes in to help out his buddy but today one of the roosters was taking them both on. The one chihuahua, Killer, of course had enough of that real quick, but poor stubborn headed Loki would turn tail and run then turn around, snarl and act like he was going to attack. The rooster would just go after him again. It was really funny to watch. Loki will chase the others around until one of the roosters gets tired of it and comes after him.

:rainbowflower:  Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.   :rainbowflower:


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My wife really looks down on the whole killing of dogs to protect livestock thing. She likes to think there is some sort of moral equivelance between other dogs getting in my yard and killing birds and my dog getting in neighbors' yards and pooping. Totally not the same!

Two years ago I lost two chickens to a different neighborhood dog. I was out for a couple weeks with the Army when it happened. My wife called me really distraught about it. By the time I got home the dog was dead. Caught red handed killing two sheep in a farmer's field. Farmer and rifle came out of the truck and the dog was gone. This is the first time I've had any dog problems since then.

My birds are still locked up (except the geese) in the run. I need to eek out a couple hours to walk the fenceline and fix any holes. Not going to happen tonight. I'm painting my new 8x14' sauna house! :-D
After 18 months of reading and preparation, my girls finally arrived on April 11th (2006)!



It is well  known in UFOlogy that cows are implanted vessels that alien being can raise their young until they are old enough to be brough aboard the ship and be safely placed on life support. Cows are surgically implanted with an alien being and when the semi human  baby (small grayish skin. When the fetus is ready and mature inside the cow, a MASSIVE C-SECTION is done and the baby taken aboard. Typical implanting of alien fetises are kept in the cow for roughly 14-20 weeks, then they harvest the youth and preemy care it until a healthy baby.

By the way, almost all UFOs are buried DEEP IN THE OCEANS rarely taking it tot the sky.

I believe the small grey race has been marroned here for 200 years, live under the sea and they cannot get home. To keep their Specie allive, cows are used to create new generations of their race.

When recovering the fetus, weight is an issue in an ALIEN SPACE SHIP as it is for US. Physics are physics after all. So THEY CAN'T RECOVER ALL THE COW CARCASSES because of the major weight they are carrying in hibred cow grown fetuses. So the fetus is just recovered, and bloody cows are left behind - mind you, those recovering the fetus, they are IN AND OUT FAST - just tear the fetus out as fast as possible, hcking the cow to pieces and GET OUT as fas as possible.

Are these alien people here so long that they only way to keep their species alive is to grow new generations through cows. And it's been a few hundred years that they have lived here, marrooned and only surviving through somehow imbreed through cows, have children and stay alive on this foreign planet. For implanting in the NORTH AMERICAN REGIONS originally had to use buffalo for breeding, But they nearly starved to death here when the white man almost caused the extinction of the buffalo/ They were forced to use cows which worked out well on Earth for the Greys..

I believe these are the small greys, they were space suits to interact in our enviroment - it is the large EYES that people claim is really just a viewing port of a space suit - their eyes are much smaller. But they don't mix with humans, they must do cow mutilations while the TALL WHITES are out in Vegas playing Blackjack at the RIO because they can see the numbers through the cards.

Just FYI!
NJBeemaster my YOUTUBE Video Collection

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JerryMac Says

Aliens with the technology to travel millions of light years not able to leave earth  :roll: PA-leesss

And surely the home planet would have sent out a rescue party by now

Beemaster Replies:

I don't think they've (UFOs in the oceans of the world) have been either trapped or assigned here for more than a few hundred years - at best, maybe only since the 40's. At least this batch of Aliens, either the Small Greys and The Tall Whites. I still believe the Whites live among us.

I think some things in the Unverse are a given - Communication ability MIGHT indeed be a speed of light thing, impossible to speed up the ET-CB radio to ask for help on Intergallactic Channel 9.

I can imagine a ship that never met our atmosphere entry, Their home planet may have a thinner less abusive atmosphere and poorly calculated ours. Once here, their damaged ship - think of Space Shuttle Tiles NOT being relaced between blast-offs - maybe the can only fly around Earth and NOT escape our atmosphere. They may not be a McGiver Society, able to fix their ship with Earthly materials.

Just thinking out loud, sitting wirelessly looking at the night sky at my picnic table, wait... what is that GLOWING LIGHT in the SKY, to find out you need to ask TWT, he saw it when he was here, I just saw the whole sky light up, he saw the object flying across the sky while here!
:rainbowflower:  Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.   :rainbowflower:


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Wonder have there bee's got Varroa or have they the solution, If you chatting them don't forget to ask!


All I can say is that those Aliens no matter what color better not come near my new cow or they will get the same .45 treatment as a raccoon or stray dog threatning my property!   :-x J
I'm covered in Beeesssss!  Eddie Izzard


Jody, you go girl!!!  Beautiful and most wonderful day wishes.  Cindi
There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service