Started by poka-bee, October 11, 2008, 06:30:06 PM

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Rosie & Nash came home today..now I'm a "real" farmer!!  I'll take pics in a sec...back to "poking" them!!  J
I'm covered in Beeesssss!  Eddie Izzard

Brian D. Bray

Poka-bee, Poka-bee
how does your garden grow....
Great we use cow *%$# for fertilizer.

At my house I use bird poop, goat & sheep crap, and rabbits pellets.
Life is a school.  What have you learned?   :brian:      The greatest danger to our society is apathy, vote in every election!


I'm jealous I have to wait till next year for cows.
Sting me once shame on you!
Sting me twice I guess I should have learned faster!


:rainbowflower:  Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.   :rainbowflower:


My pictures.Type in password;  youview


Are these the "Mini Cows" mentioned on the forums a ways back?
At any rate, congratulations! Cant wait to see them!

your friend,


Brian, I'm just adding the cow-doo to my chix, rabbit,goat, pigeon, dog, cat, bee, koi doo! Oh yea, the squirrels...do they have poo like rabbits & rats?  I've never seen squirrel poo..hmmm... :?  That should cover anything that I will ever want to grow!   It's funny but when they left the 1st flop I was so excited..YAYS, cow poo! **sigh**I gotta get a life... :roll: J.  Jerrymac, In fact there IS a bull!  He is visiting till Rosie settles in.  They seem to be doing well, no excitement..well Nash was chasing the goat & Cheve' is not sure he likes cows..Rosie is curious, cautious & shy yet...She will be acting like everything else around here in no time! I'm like the pied piper of Buckley when I go outside!  J
I'm covered in Beeesssss!  Eddie Izzard


 :-D  :-D But did you get the double meaning?

No bull? = No Kidding?   :-D
:rainbowflower:  Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.   :rainbowflower:


My pictures.Type in password;  youview


Jody, oh you lucky gal!!!  I can't wait to see pictures of your Rosie, and you know ding dang well that I am very envious of you.  I picture that yummy fresh, raw milk in the spring when she is freshened.  Oh man, if only I lived closer, I could get my dose of raw cow's milk daily, you know, the milk that I would give my kingdom for.  Pleeeze, take some pictures soon....I can't wait!!!

Cow pies.  I remember my Grandma had Daisy.....as a child I can remember those great cow pies in the field.  It always enthralled me.  Now that may sound strange, but I clearly recall being absolutely astounded by these beautiful pies that the cow made for us in the field.  Funny thing.  I don't remember feeling that way when our Candy girl used to make pies, as an older young woman.  Wonder why I was so interested as a child.

I love the smell of cows' breath.  I have spoken before about loving the smell of their breath (along with the smell of horse breath too, and oh yes, puppy breath) (puppy's have a particularly attractive smelling breath to me, anyone that has had puppies knows this common smell and it is very cool!!!).  I love to watch the cow chew on its cud.....that jaw moving motion that they do, I think they may burp alot too.  I know that I saw on Discovery channel that sheep expel more gas through burping than Carter has pills, hee, hee.  Ooops, I am ramblin' going off topic, sorry Jody, you bring out the worst in me, hee, hee. 

Enjoy that cow that will provide you milk.  How long would it take you to drive half way to my house me driving the other half to get some of that milk one day, hee, hee.  Don't think I will be able to get a cow for some time, they are so expensive.  Tell me again, what breed is she?  I remember that you said some kind of weird name at Brian's, just cannot bring the recall back.  She is a miniature too, right?  Have that most beautiful day, lovin' those cow pies!!!  Cindi
There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service


JM I did get it!  Cindi, I havn't gotten close enough to smell their breath yet but was listening to them eat last night.  Different rythm than horse chewing but pleasant enough. Rosie is a Dexter, google em, they are so cool!  They are a true small cow, not bred down.  I think they are related to the Kerry.  Here are some quick pics.  Nash comes right over for bread & stuff.  Rose is shy & hides behind her big strong protector. She will sniff things I toss on the ground in front of her & watches me closely.  Cheve' is still upset, Nash chases him out of their little enclosure & he is used to being the center of attention! http://picasaweb.google.com/darbyfarms/IGOTSCOOWWWWSSSS#5256435035523673346
I'm covered in Beeesssss!  Eddie Izzard


They look really cool!!!
I'd like to have some of them but Janelle would kill me! ( At first..then she'd like them too!)

your friend,


Is this an eating cow, or a milk cow? Congrats on your new addition. My friend has a motto,  "A steer a year" for eating!
"The more complex the Mind, the Greater the need for the simplicity of Play".


KONAS DAD  They are dual purpose, both meat & milk.  Rose is going to be my brood cow, I will keep her forever or as long as she lives!  I will eat the babies that aren't sold in a timely manner for broodstock or show & the onery ones.  I want animals I can handle!  I'm such a softie that if I only had a steer there would be no way I could eat it!  BUT if I have one for a pet, ie Rosie I can sort of ignore the steers & eat em. I am going to share the milk this spring with the calf.  They can give 3gal a day & I don't need near that much, just enough to make some cheese, butter & buttermilk..YUM! :-D J
I'm covered in Beeesssss!  Eddie Izzard


where did you get your dexter??  i was looking at a farm in idaho for mine, but didn't get around to it.....maybe next year.  don't know if i want to do cows again and i'm sure i don't want to do the big ones!  what a PIA!!!!!!

congrats :-)  they look nice.
The people the people are the rightful masters of both congresses and courts not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert it.

Abraham  Lincoln
Speech in Kansas, December 1859


Kathy, got her from Emerald Park Farms here in WA.  Sandi Thomas is there in Or.  They are a larger ranch. If you go to the ADCA website they have a list of ranches in every state.  I'm amazed @ how easy they are compared to the goat & horse!  The bull is a sweetie, very gentle, loves to be brushed.  Rose is still wary, although now she will let me pet her whilst eating.  They do know I have treats so come running when I step outside.  I think Rose will friendly up quickly once Nash goes to his new home.  J
I'm covered in Beeesssss!  Eddie Izzard


Jody, I am still green with envy about your Rosie.  Tell me more, got more pics?  Now Nash, is he only staying with you for awhile until Rosie is bred?  I love to hear your stories, they are so interesting, you are a mirror of me!!! :-X ;) :) :) :).  And I LOVE to hear about life on your little farm, ramble on girl!!!!

I actually spent quite a lot of time reading on the internet about the Dexter cattle the other day.  It seems that there are some breeders here in B.C.  Oh I wish that I could get that cow.....I dream of that milk.....oh well, I guess I will have to dream.  I don't think I could convince my Husband to let me get a cow, milking Candy girl with her udder full of cowpox, so many years ago, about finished him off with milking a cow.....Well, you do know that I have my ways, I can be very convincing at times  :lol:  ;)  :).  It is just the matter of the initial money output. 

In case I am not successful at coercion, I wonder if you could ship me milk via purolator or something like that  :shock: 8-) :roll:.  Wonder what the cost would be....I know things can be shipped refrigerated.  Oh dear, here I am again, ramblin', dreaming of that fresh cow's milk, eeks!!!  Have that most wonderful and awesome day.
There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service


It was a beautiful afternoon yesterday so here are pics for you Cindi!  Rose will eat anything I take out there now & comes running & Muong when she sees me.  She will now let me pet her, brush her (if tied) & last night while she was eating her grain I ran my hands all over her body, both sides up & down her legs, belly even udder up to her ears.  Still doesn't like her face fiddled with but that will change w/time.  She will do just fine w/milking, no flinching or kicking.  Nash is a big baby, I wish I could keep him. He is just here till Rose is settled in & to re breed incase she sloughed off the calf during moving. He did chase the dog & cats out of the field he's  in & licks my hands & sweater.  His tongue is rougher than a cats!  Off to feed, they come to the gate now waiting for breakfast!  Have a wonderful day, hope we get 1 more nice afternoon.  I'm working on a "pallet" compost bin..will take pics once it's done!  J


I'm covered in Beeesssss!  Eddie Izzard


Jody, oh what wonderful pictures, I loved the shots looking down on the chickens, aren't the way the feathers look simply gorgeous.  Oh how I love to see pictures of the critters (and family too), it makes me feel so ding dang happy!!!!!  I am not kidding.  Your Rosie is one beautiful gal, so is the Nash, the bull, wonder why he is so friendly, eh?  You have a very beautiful set up there.  I love your barn!!!  I love your fenced area.  I love your electric fences.  Electric fencing keeps them in eh?  That is cool.  Our horse is respective of one wire of electric fence.  We can even fool her to move her around to some grassy parts by setting up "fake" yellow electric fences, she daren't go near them,  :-D.

Have you smelled Rosie's breath yet?  I love the scent of the cows' breath, it is the most pure and wonderful smell, almost as wonderful as the scent of the hive and puppies' breath (I love to smell things as much as you love to poke things,  :-X ;) :) :) ).  One day, I gotta make a trip down to your place to visit you.  Maybe in the spring when the days are getting longer and things are greening up.  It would have to be an overnighter, but I would love to come down there, seriously.....keepin' this in the back of my mind.  I am going to figure out how long it would take, probably several hours.  It was 1-1/2 hours to Brian's house from here, I know it took you 1-1/2 hours to get to Brian's, so that would probably be a 3 hour trip, I could do it!!!  Keep bringin' on your stories, tales and ramblin's, I love to listen....have that most wonderful and beautiful day, Cindi
There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service

Sean Kelly

Jody congrats!!!!  Now my kids have one more thing to see when we come over!!!

Sean Kelly
"My son,  eat  thou honey,  because it is good;  and the honeycomb,  which is sweet  to thy taste"          - Proverbs 24:13