Wanna see a close up of an ugileeee bird head!!! And a turkey to boot!!!

Started by Cindi, October 09, 2008, 11:17:41 AM

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I took some close up pictures of my Australorpe some time ago, she has the most interesting ears, feathers, (do chickens have ears that are visible anyways?  It sure looked like it to me).  And get a load of this turkey closeup.  She is one of the grown up poults, one I am keeping, she is friendly and loves to mother the babies with Abigail, oh I am getting so hooked on turkeys, they are the coolest birds!!  Enjoy the pictures, and...have that most wonderfully awesome day.  Cindi

This turkey hen is yet to be named, can't quite think of a beautiful enough name for a beautiful bird, she was about 2 feet from me, and I called her and she looked at me.  I think she think I had a blackberry for her, I always pick the berries that hang over the fence that they can't reach.

That gorgeous Australorpe (still wonder if she is a cross though).  When you look really closely at chickens, they actually are the strangest looking things.  She was a real piece of work.  I can't wait to see what Brian Bray's AustralorpeXLight Brahma chicks look like when they all but grow up.  That is gonna be some beautiful bird too!!!  I can't wait, they are growing like incredibly bad weeds!!!  More pics of them to bring here to show you all too, you're gonna love them!!!

There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service


Cindi, they are so ugly they're cute!  The ears are just holes in the head, behind the little tufts you see, close to the other colored round skin dealies.  On my brn leghorns they are white, the sex link red like the wattles, barely any on the EE's.  I have one EE that has humongous tufts, she looks so comical!  Yesterday they were helping (?) me weed around the pond.  They are so cute with their little inquisitive buk buk?? sounds whilst I'm attempting to shake the dirt off roots~!  Do they ever really eat slugs? They were eating the eggs for sure YAHOO!! I feel like the pied piper outside with the parade of animals following! Can't wait to see how the new chicks are growing, They should have tail/wing feathers..that is a cute age when all fluffy except for the tail sticking straight out!  Had 1st light frost this am...J
I'm covered in Beeesssss!  Eddie Izzard


Jody, I know that following, I have that great following too.  Shoulda seen them yesterday when I was moving some wood to a different spot in their chickenyard, hee, hee.  Oh they love to look for stuff.  I don't think I have ever seen the chickens eat the slugs, just the eggs, but the ducks!!!  Funnnneeee.  I see them with the slug goo on their bills and trying to get it off in the waterholes, it is hilarious!!!

I love that buk-buk sound they make.  I can always tell when Isabelle is close, she is the biggest buk-bukker of them all.  She is Ken's favourite.  I am not even too sure if she is still laying, but she is so friendly, she has to stay as a pet.  When we were taking the old birds to the "house" a couple of weeks ago, I told him that Isabelle might go too, OMG....the look on his face told me immediately that she was gonna stick around, oh how he loves that bird, and she loves him (he doesn't quite realize that she is a user, she knows he loves her and she acts so nice to him, hee, hee....as soon as she hears his voice out there, she comes running over).  It is funny, when all the other chickens hear him talk, I can hear them running down the walkway between the chicken and turkey barns to come and see him.  They know too, that he always brings a treat for them.  Oh those chickens, where would I be without them.  I love them to pieces.  Have that most wonderful and awesome day, Cindi

Ken and his beloved Isabelle!!!

Oh that Isabelle, she gets more pictures taken of her.  Yes, she likes to accompany me to the apiary, I get such a kick out of her!!!

She thought she could come right through the bear fence, then figured out she had to go through the gate, hee, hee

And oh, she does not mind the bees, nor they her, I think it is because she is so white

There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service


Your husband looks like he is in chicken heaven over there, so peaceful and happy feeding his darling chicken.

I have to hand it to you all raising chickens. My only experience with chickens left a bad feeling in me forever. We had a band of chickens coming up to our property every morning and they would scratch and scratch and scratched away all of our decorative bark we had around all our bushes. I would get so angry and we bought a sling shot to try and shoot them, but neither I or my husband could get them. We got the cat to go after them, but he was to chicken!! (Pun).

We went to the local feed store to ask what we should do as they were tearing up the whole yard and they tried to sell us corn with poison in it. I never could do something like that, so we were back to square one. Well we finally rented a large trap and tried to trap them,but the only thing we caught was this little opposium that we let go. Someone else said to get a rifle and shoot them up. That did not feel good, so this went on endlessly for months.

Finally I decided to follow them through the woods when they left and I tracked them down the street to an old shack. The people living there said the chickens were not theirs, but I went back several times a day and each time I saw these chickens there. Finally I told the people they could get a fine unless they kept their birds from walking all over the neighborhood.  This worked and I never saw the chickens again.


I can't wait to we get ours next spring.  Way cool!  Best wishes, Winenutguy


Annette, what a cool and  very interesting little story.  I can imagine how annoyed you were with these chickens.  I am glad that the owners complied.  Chickens can really mess things up alot, you had every right to not want them to wreck your yard areas, there is a place for chickens and that is not wrecking someone's place all up.   I am so glad that you did not harm these birds, they meant no harm, they just were not controlled to be where they should, and they should be controlled, yeah!!!  Good for you girl.

I let my chickens have the run of my property this spring.  Never to be repeated.  I thought that it would be so cool to just let them run and clear areas of early growing weeds and the like.  What a mistake!!!  They must have unearthed weed seeds that had been sitting in places unknown to even man.  I had weeds this summer like I have never in my life had at my place. I am anal about weed free gardens and it was endless trying to keep up with weed pulling.  My chickens have enormous chickenyards, they could play all day and still never finish getting from one corner to the other corners.  They need not leave their yards again.  And they won't.  Brats!!!  It is kind of too bad, because the ducks did such a wonderful job of slug control, which we have a massive annoying problem with around here.  If only I could figure out how to only let the ducks wander my property, they don't dig like chickens, just put their heads into the weedy grassy spots to get the deep down ugilee sluggy type things.  They are not weed spreaders, well, maybe a little, but not like the ding dang chickeny things.  Have the most wonderful, beautiful day, love and live life.  Cindi
There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service