Guess Who

Started by Brian D. Bray, November 15, 2008, 08:32:27 PM

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Is it Theodore Roosevelt?
MMMMMMMMM!!!!!! Doughnuts.- Homer Simpson

Brian D. Bray

Quote from: buzzbeejr on November 26, 2008, 01:01:50 AM
Is it Theodore Roosevelt?

We have a Winner. 

Notice how closely the political qualifications between Roosevelt and Palin are?  Roosevelt would be treated just the same as Palin in today's political world yet was an able President.  Makes you think.

I used to have a neighbor, when a kid, who had been one of the original volunteers for the Rough Riders. He later joined Pershing in his hunt for Pancho Villa.  Very interesting person.  Had pictures and Calvary mentos all over his house of him w/Roosevelt and with Pershing plus pictures of Cuba just prior to the charge on San Juan Hill.
If you Google the Rough Riders and find the list of the volunteers you'll find James Alexander amoung the group.
Life is a school.  What have you learned?   :brian:      The greatest danger to our society is apathy, vote in every election!