
Started by HAB, January 05, 2009, 08:36:13 PM

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1st of January and we have found our first Queen/Supersedure cells.  With newly laid eggs.
Anyone else?
I ask because I called today to order New Queens and was told it would be May before they would be available. So was wondering about starting Nucs this early with the supersedure  cells.  We have been having a very mild winter here, might say no winter, it might change for the worse or get even better.  If the Nucs are fed and kept from the "cold" do you think they will survive?
They could do a lot of growing before May gets here.


Yeah I found a few also. I was cleaning out a box I threw some cell bars into at the end of summer while pulling my last grafts. Some of those cells still were attached to the bar, and looked mighty good. Brittle though as it's pretty cold out.  :-D
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Northern States Queen Breeders Assoc.  www.nsqba.com


HAB, could you fill out your location in your profile? It helps allot when it comes to giving advice.


HAB, were there any drone cells? If not, the new hatched queen has only got about a month before she HAS to mate, otherwise she won't be able to.

I seem to always have that problem this time of year. A young queen, but it either doesn't get to 69 degrees so she can fly, or she can fly but there are no drones! I've seen this in the almonds as well, and I suspect most other long timers who've done almonds have seen it.

So, bottom line, if you haven't seen any drone cells (and I'll stick my neck out here) I doubt that you have, then you'll have to artificially inseminate or just not bother making nucs.


Thanks for the replies.  No its a caped Queen Cell.  The temps have hit 80F several times in the past two weeks and often do here in January.  That would put her needing drones before the middle of Feb.  There are four medium hives located about 100yds from the Nuc.  Going to check them for Drones/Drone cells Friday. 


I mentioned in another post that I had hatching drones in one hive yesterday (although remember low temps still can keep them from mating). Have you checked yours?


Yep, got drone cells.  Yesterday the Nuc was quiet and had a few workers bringing in some pollen.
Hope this warm weather holds.