Question about oxalic acid for mite control

Started by latebee, January 28, 2005, 10:21:16 PM

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How would one apply oxalic acid to treat verroa mites? I have read about  this method but do not recall the specifics involved.
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Quote from: latebeeHow would one apply oxalic acid to treat verroa mites? I have read about  this method but do not recall the specifics involved.

Metdod is very easy. It must be done during winter when bees do not have brood.

If you have mites much, you can take first brood off and after that you give oxalic acid.

You prepare the solution and spray it with vaccination sprayer (large needle) in the gap of frames.


Hive must be without broods. If you have palm size brood area, it may contain 20% of hives mites. (But to do is better than for nothing.)

Take 7,5 gr oxalic acetic powder into 1 dl warm water.
Take 100 gr sugar and dilute it in the solution.

(Euro coin is just 7,5 g. You can weight your coin and you can use as weight. Own balance is easy to do. Our coin weights are in internet.)

This 1,6 dl volume is enough for 3-5 hives, depending of the amount of bees .

Drop 4 ml solution in the middle of frames, which is full of bees from edge to edge.

Do not give for one box hive more than 40 ml, and this only for hive which is totally full of bees.

Do not give for 2 box hive more than 50 ml.

Weather can be cold, so bees are in the winter ball.


Beekeepers just chatted, what is the way, oxalic acid works. They do know but it works.

From Danmark you will get the same formula.


Once again,thank you Finman.  I am gratrful for the detalied explanation.  :)



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I find the vaporizer method to be convenient.  I have tried both the torch vaporizer and the electric,  and like the electric best.

Just put 2 grams of oxalic acid in the cup, slide it into the entrance and block it off with some towels.  Plug it in for 2 minutes (12V) and then leave the entrance closed up for 10-15 minutes.

If you don't want to invest in an electric vaporizer, you can build a torch one from fittings available at your local hardware store.  I found that I couldn't get a good vapor out of my home built one, perhaps my torch wasn't hot enough.  I didn't like dealing with the open flame near the hives, so I switched to the electric.

click image for larger view

click image for larger view

click image for larger view

If you want to try building a torch vaporizer, PM me and I can give you more details.
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Quote from: RoboI find the vaporizer method to be convenient.  I have tried both the torch vaporizer and the electric,  and like the electric best.

NOTE, that liquid and vaporizer are not alternatives. Vaporizer is used when weather is warm, and there are brood in hive. It is pre-treatment.

Liquid is after-treatment at winter, after brood have hatched.


Thank you one and all,for the very specific information regarding oxalic acid treatment ,which was totally confusing to me. 8)
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