Made my first two batches of Mead!

Started by wfuavenger, March 12, 2010, 11:20:50 AM

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Okay, it is official... I am insane.

For christmas I got a Mr. Beer home brew kit and have made some really good beers.... A West Coast Pale Ale that is light and citrusy and a High Country Canadian Draft which is mellow and nice.

This got me thinking about mead.... I have always been a little curious about it and I do make my own strawberry vodka, peach vodka and blueberry vodka....

Yesterday I got the urge to make mead bad enough I went to the local brewery supply store and bought 2- 6 gallon carbouys, and all of the equipment to make, rack, ferment and store mead....

I ended up making these two recipes:

Joes Ancient Orange Cinnamon Clove Mead and Chocolate Mead

The chocolate mead is my own variation of the Lady Bridget version here: and a few other recipes....
The biggest issue with the chocolate meads is that they take 1-2 years to be mellow and good and not bitter from the cocoa.... So just like a wine, I will have no clue if it is good for a LONG, LONG time.... They also call for back sweetning where you add honey or sugar after fermentation, I used a yeast that stops fermenting at around 14% ABV, so there should be plenty of honey left....

If you want to read my recipes, check out my blog in my signature and feel free to leave comments...


Sounds like fun. The orange/cinnamon sounds good.  Where is the link to your blog?



Thank you. That looks really good. I am interested in making mead, I just had a class on it. I would love to get started on that.


If I had to do it over, I would say start off with 1 to 3 gallon carbouys until you get the hang of it... I tend to go overboard, with 32 lbs of honey 2 6 gallon carbouys and water along with things being mixed, blended, chopped and combined, I ended up with a royal mess. And 6 gallons is kinda heavy to be sloshing around unless you are strong.

I think I might get 2- 1 gallon carbouys and equipment and play around with some smaller amounts... I am having a hard time finding recipes though.... But, if these two work out, I will definatly have christmas presents covered for this year!

Both meads are bubbling about 1.5 bubbles a second and the ancient orange is frothy on top. The whole uopstairs office (in the closet where I have them smells of chocolate oranges, mmmmmmm).