Godzilla Chickens

Started by Beth Kirkley, March 07, 2005, 09:10:51 PM

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Beth Kirkley

Ya' all are probably going to get sick of me posting about my "amazing" chickens. :) But I'm just so shocked and thrilled with how fast these guys are growing.
Here's what they looked like at 1 week old:

And here's a picture of them today - 9 days later - at 2 weeks and 2 days old.

This picture gives you a comparision of how big the cornish X rock chick is to my hand. It's almost too big to hold with one hand!

They just blow me away!

Beth :)

Horns Pure Honey

It dosnt take them long beth, you remember me telling you that we had ares butchered by 6 weeks, bye :D
Ryan Horn


"Lurch my good man,…what did you mean when you said just now that 'You've got better things to do than run my petty little errands'…….?"

Horns Pure Honey

:lol:  :lol:  :lol: extra mini chicken wings.
Ryan Horn


Fast growing little weeds, aren't they?  We butchered ours at seven weeks.  We were at our farm store the other day, and I couldn't resist but to bring something home:

:D  :D  :D  :D

Beth, do you feed yours milk a week before butchering?

Horns Pure Honey

You know ducklings grow more than three times as fast as chickens right? The funny thing is though that they grow so fast but their wings stay so small for so long, bye :D
Ryan Horn

Beth Kirkley

Those baby are so cute! Little heartbreakers.

I've only raised the cornish rocks one other time (in the mountains of Colorado), about 8 years ago. They may have gotten milk, but if they did, it wasn't for butchering reasons. At that time I was buying fresh cows milk from a local farmer. I do know I gave the chickens (all of them) milk at times because we didn't drink it fast enough.

One thing THOSE cornish rocks did get was a lot of sage grass. I could taste some of that flavor in their meat. It made them seem almost like wild game.

And it's funny you mention this, because I was just thinking yesterday of giving them milk. I decided against it for now because I've been working to get their droppings a little less watery, using some karo surup in their water.

Would "milk replacer" be ok for them? What is the benefit of the milk? Does it tenderize the meat or something?



Quote from: Beth Kirkley

Would "milk replacer" be ok for them? What is the benefit of the milk? Does it tenderize the meat or something?


I think it does tenderize the meat, but it will also make them more flavorful.  I'm not sure about a milk replacer (guess it would work), I know sour milk is supposed to work good too (as well as yogurts and cottage cheese).  If you've got the time and money, feeding them sorts of cakes about 2 weeks before butchering really makes them flavorful, you can also give some of that to your egg layers, just not too much, don't want fat laying hens, adds good flavor to eggs.

Beth Kirkley

I took a look at the bag of milk replacer I have for the baby goats when they come. I probably shouldn't use it though. It's medicated, and it would be a bad idea putting medication in them right before butchering.

If I had milk available I would go that route. But considering they drink a gallon of water a day, and will drink even more as they grow, I don't think I could afford to buy that much milk. I know even if I offered milk, they'd still drink water, but I can see them still drinking loads of milk because it tastes good. :) But next year, when I have lots of goats milk, I had every intention of giving the chickens some milk. Probably as an evening/early morning snack. I thought about the fact that I should watch their weight. But they'll be free ranging, so that should help burn it off some. I think the goats milk would be a great source of calcium. Also, as I raise the meat birds each year, I planned on adding goats milk to their diet. I'll have PLENTY of milk.



And very happy chickens.   :D