Making Bees draw Mini Frame Foundation ?

Started by larry tate, November 11, 2009, 12:11:58 PM

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larry tate

Does any one know of a way to force the bees to draw out foundation when there is not a flow on? We have the minis in supers with a divider bar for the frames to rest on. I would like to have some drawn early. Thanks


they draw what they need.  that would be nothing at this time of the year.  in spring, you can encourage comb building with 1:1 syrup, but they still will not do well if they don't need it yet.  when you are trying to get them to draw things like ross rounds, i have been told that they  need to be crowded, but i have not done this.  what you are doing might be the same idea?
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When you start raising queens next year just put the cell in the mini with your bees and feed at the same time.  When you do this just keep it closed up for 3 to 5 days.  After that they should hve some foundation drawn and accepting of their new home.  Also try to keep it in the shade or some where cooler so they don't overheat while confined.

Michael Bush

I know this isn't the answer to your question, but this is why I use my standard brood frames (in my case mediums) for my mating nucs.  A frame of brood and a frame of honey and a queen cell and I have a mating nuc.
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David LaFerney

Michael, In that article you show your 4X2 mating nucs, but some of the quotes you give lean towards using standard hive bodies and a follower board.   What's the advantage of the 4x2s other than you don't have to make as many boxes? 

I'm hoping to make some increase next year and I'll make woodenware for it this winter so I need to decide before long.
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