Do I need to feed sugar water

Started by firetool, March 13, 2005, 10:24:11 PM

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The new hive that I got from the swarm out of the water heater the other dayis doing very good. They did not have a whole lot of honey in their old hive. I have been giving they sugar water already  and they are sucking it down. They went trough a quart in a day! Is it good to keep feeding this to them or should I cut them off. The weather has been warm the last few day and they have been foraging very weal.

Any thoughs on the matter?

Brian :roll:


I say keep feeding until there's enough real stuff that they don't want it anymore. Sugar is cheap. Bees are expensive. :)

Beth Kirkley

They'll stop taking the sugar on their own when nectar is available.



Thank you ladies. Beth I saw the pictures of your chicks they are growing like weeds. I am going to have to try the cornis-rock crosses. They just put on meat to fast not to set up and take notice. All I have is layers right now.




Just don't blindly feed syrup.  You must keep an eye on them while doing it or you risk  becoming bound.

If they are using it to build wax are feed, then by all means continue feeding it until they stop taking it.  If they are just storing it away and preventing the queen from having sufficient room to lay eggs, then stop.
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it comes dressed in overalls and looks like work." - Thomas Edison

lively Bee's

Fire tool at this time of the year there useage will be up and down but by you saying that they had little honey I would say they are filling stores with it.  I useing 1 - 1.5 gallons a week But on really nice weeks when the bee are working the filds they will use little to no usger water.