Is there a kind of domestic poultry that kills snakes?

Started by Bee Happy, June 02, 2009, 01:45:14 AM

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Bee Happy

...I guess the subject says it all. My wife is absolutely terrified of snakes. I'm sort of indifferent to them but if I'm going to have a bluegill/bream pond I better have an answer for why she needn't worry about moccasins or water snakes.
be happy and make others happy.


Probably not water moccasins.  Some of the more aggressive chicken breeds will kill a mouse, chipmunk or even a small black or garden snake but probably not something as aggressive or poisonious as a cottonmouth.

I have had a couple of dogs over the years that would dispatch snakes of that size up to medium-small rattlesnakes.
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Water Moccasins are preyed upon by snapping turtles, alligators, bullfrogs, horned owls, eagles, loggerhead shrikes, herons, cranes, egrets, and other snakes (including other water mocassins).

Hope that helps more than it hurts.

Michael Bush

I've heard that geese will chase snakes.  I have not observed that as I have no geese.  :)
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Bee Happy

Thanks you guys; I think between the dogs, (who are already keeping us almost snake-free - compared to my neighbors'.) maybe a turkey or gander, and me occasionally relocating a non-venomous type, she should feel safe. 
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