Is there a queen? Lots of empty frames...still... Help!

Started by paulh, July 09, 2009, 04:46:58 PM

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Last fall I picked up an established colony from a respected local beek.  The bees had lots of stores, had been treated for mites and were ready for winter.  This spring, the queen didn't do much and had some chalkbrood.  I moved the hive to a sunnier location, added a screened bottom board and requeened in late May via a push-in cage. A week after relasing her, there was no new brood or sign of the new queen.  By the time a second new queen arrived, maybe 10 days later, there was still no new brood.  I added the second queen under the push-in cage.  She was out when I went to relase her, the bees chewed under the side.  That was a 7-10 days ago and there is still no sign of new brood or a queen. 

There looks to be plenty of bees (though less than there should be), they are calm and are bringing in pollen and nectar.  The bottom deep is empty, the top has some stores.

Any thoughts about what's going on or what to do?  I could have had 2 or 3 new nucs this spring for what I've got into this colony now, can I save it?


I found out tonight that there have been 5 or 6 similar cases of queenless hives in the area, all are calmly going about their business putting away stores, and rejecting any new queens. 


can you get a frame of eggs?  you probably  have just enough time to see if they will requeen themselves.
The people the people are the rightful masters of both congresses and courts not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert it.

Abraham  Lincoln
Speech in Kansas, December 1859


Chances are good there is a queen in the hive. If it was me, I'd wait for a week more. When a queen goes off laying, it takes 10 days for her to start back up again. You're about at that point now, give it a week and check it again. If still no eggs or brood, then decide from there what to do about it.