Is there a list of beekeeping related Acronyms?

Started by fredtioga, March 28, 2005, 01:00:09 PM

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Bees that display traits of Supressed Mite Reproduction.

Michael Bush

Glossary of Abbreviations
Carni â€" Carniolan
DCA = Drone Congregation Area
SBB = Screened Bottom Board
SHB = Small Hive Beetle
V-Mites = Varroa Mites
T-Mites = Tracheal Mites
TM = Terramycin or Tracheal Mites depending on the context
EFB = European Foulbrood
AFB = American Foulbrood
SMR = Supressed Mite Reproduction (usually referring to a queen)
AHB = Africanized Honey Bees
EHB = European Honey Bees
SC = Small Cell
SMR = Suppresed Mite Reproduction
QMP = Queen Madibular Pheromone
TBH = Top Bar Hive
KTBH = Kenya Top Bar Hive (one with sloped sides)
TTBH = Tanzanian Top Bar Hive (one with vertical sides)
ULBN = Unlimited Brood Nest
IMPOV = In My Point Of View
IMO = In My Opinion
IMHO = In My Humble Opinion
HBH = Honey Bee Healthy
FGMO=Food Grade Mineral Oil
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