Probing for interest of a new beekeeping website

Started by artic, April 02, 2005, 01:56:02 AM

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First I would like to start off by apologizing for two things. Number one, I apologize for the lack of brevity in the following post, and second for the fact of posting this in more than one forum to get a better sampling of interests and ideas.

Now before I hurt or offend, I am aware that there already exist a plethora of beekeeping websites, and I am not promising that what I create would be the best; I just hope it won’t be the worst. As far as beekeeping is concerned, I’m still wet behind the ears, in fact I have not even hosted my first package of bees yet, I still however have the backing of will and some academic knowledge on the subject. As far as computer usage, programming, and web development goes, I believe I am sufficiently learned. I graduated with a bachelors degree in Computer Science in December, and have been using a computer for as long as I can remember and programming in some capacity for most of that time.

The premise of my website (which really should read our website, but more on that latter) is based on the idea of  a free exchange community. I say a free exchange community, partly out of necessity, and partly because I as of yet cannot think of a better term :) . By free exchange I am not saying I expect (or even want) people to give up property, intellectual, physical or otherwise. Rather I want the website to facilitate the exchange of ideas, communication, and occasional goods from the hive or as a result of the hive. I say free for two main reasons. Namely I want to allow interactions, but not require them between members, i.e. if you want to post an article or submit an idea, it would be encouraged, but not required. Secondly, I say free as I don’t want (to require) money to exchange hands in the acquisition of goods. For example I want keeper A to be able to trade a pound of his blueberry honey at no charge to keeper B for a equivalent valued amount of raspberry honey, with each keeper either consuming the price of shipping and packaging (which should be equivalent regarding equivalent goods). Lastly, and most importantly community needs to take place for this site to work, this is why I call it our site, and should not call it my site.

It is my intention to encourage (and require some degree of) community by hosting the following features. This list is by no means complete, it simply a starting point, some of which features may never see the light of day.

Forums :- I’m not trying to step on anyone’s feet by implementing a forum system. I know there exist other forums with established membership, it is simply my opinion that no useful web-based community can exist with out proper communication amongst membership.

Wiki :- A Wiki is a website that allows visitors to freely and easily create new, or modify existing content. (For those not familiar with a Wiki system and wish to learn more visit the Wikipedia which is a Wiki based encyclopedia.) This would basically serve as an organized know-everything basis for the subject of bees, beekeeping and everything related. Think of it as a web based book that any member of the community may add to or modify, keeping it constantly up to date and as accurate as accurate as possible. Users would be welcome to simply add information on a topic that they have had experience on or even write a virtual tome of knowledge based on specific subset of knowledge.

Trade Facilitator :- I touched on this earlier with the example of keeper A trading keeper B for some honey. Think of this segment of the website acting similar to an auction house that deals with the barter system, rather than money, or simply as a way for keepers and enthusiasts to trade goods. If keeper A has excess honey, he or she can say specifically what they wish to trade for (for example a different kind of honey) or keeper B may offer keeper A some fresh raspberry preserves which his bees helped pollinate. The same idea could be expanded for the trade of tools, hive parts, wax or other bee related products (even vaguely so). The idea would simply be that the individuals within the deal would trade the items at no expense to the opposite party, i.e. if you send me a sample of your honey I’ll send you a sample of mine.

Other Ideas can be expanded upon implemented as warranted.

Now I can’t express enough the importance of community in implementing such a task, by no means could I do it alone. I’m not asking for funds, usage of such a site would be free. Though there is always the possibility I may in the future ask for donations to help pay for the costs involved with hosting a website (never personal time), but I hope to never require them, and they would never be mandatory, as this would be solely non-profit. I also hope to never need paid advertising. This would be as much your website as it would be mine, I’m simply going to front some time in the beginning, as I hope others would do in the future to keep the community going.

By no means would this website go up overnight, there a great deal of time I will need to invest (possibly many months) before any thing would be presentable. This is also by no means a selfless act, I hope to do this to gain further insight into beekeeping, make a few friends, and gather more experience with overall web development, being the ever-growing media outlet it is.

If there is no obvious interest I may simply drop the idea entirely, by no means could this be a one-man show, I require the help of others to make this work. As of now I am the testing phase of forum software (phpBB) and a Wiki engine (Media Wiki). If you are interested in other web projects I have worked with you can view The Aquatic Recreation Club of NMT’s website, but unfortunately it has not been kept up to date since I left the project (due to graduating).

As for a name for this website I was thinking the “Sweet Bee Exchange”, though I am not set on this as a title and am more than happy to hear and think through other options before I set it in stone.

If you read everything up to here, or even if you just lightly skimmed, I thank you and wish to hear some of your questions, input, suggestion and possible criticisms regarding this project.

-Robert (artic)

Beth Kirkley

Well.... your comments and/or requests make me think of a call we received last night. (Bare with me here.)
The call started off saying - I can save you $10-$15 a month on your satelite tv. My husband laughed and said - no you can, our satelite only costs $11.95 as it is. So the person tried the approach of - well we have great stations, like Disney, Nickelodeon, and so on. My huband laughed again, and told the woman - but we don't want an of those, we have ALL Christian television - no foul laugage, no nudity, not even shows with improper morals. So the lady realized she'd lost, and had nothing to offer us. :)

My real point is.... many of us here find this to be the GREATEST web site on beekeeping around. So when I read your post..... I just had to laugh! I thought - ME? Leave this site? NO WAY! LOL And I know there are others that just plain like it too much here. I suppose if you made a site, I'd probably look at it. But there is no site I go to more regularly than this one. Even before John made the forum, I still went to his main page and read all sorts of stuff. I can't say what drew me in back then because it's been almost 2 years now. But it's the first and one and only site that I returned to SO often - and that was nearly a YEAR before the forum started.



In what you described, the wiki is the only thing I see above the 2 existing "best" beekeeping websites (Beemaster & Beesource).  One could even argue that the wiki would just be a better organization of info already found on these 2 sites.

I can not obviously tell you what or what not to do,  but I don't see it being an easy challenge for you to gain the clients based upon what you say.  Beemaster and Beesource have a wealth of information as well as a loyal core of members that make both of these sites invaluable.  You can not build that overnight, and will require a lot of time and effort to just be able to meet the level of information/support available, not to mention surpass them.

I'm sure you will track some members, but I don't see that something "new & different" that would set you apart and make someone say this is definately the one for me.

Good Luck....
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it comes dressed in overalls and looks like work." - Thomas Edison


I've been around the block on websites this is the beat it was created by a dedicated fellow I don't want to change what works the founder of this web site rocks
"It's not about Honey it's not about Money It's about SURVIVAL" Charles Martin Simmon



No offense taken. Surely the world can always use another Beekeeping Website - I might suggest that you actually KEEP BEES first though, sort of like me building a website on chain-saw blade sharpening - it might be good if I at least OWNED or operated a chain-saw first. No offense meant.

I'm not very familiar with some of the search features you mention, so I can't really comment there - I can only wish you luck and I am quite sure your intentions are good.

I think what might happen when some people come aboard THIS forum, they don't realize that REAL PEOPLE are behind the scenes, this forum and any other part of my site doesn't happen without the effort of many people. I hope in your attempt of building a site, that you never forget the hard work and man-hours of those who support your effort: nor separate yourself from your intentions by creating a self supportive virtual enviroment.

To the members who replied to this post, thank you for your kind words - you all know how I feel about this membership, I don't need to say more on that :)

If I were to suggest anything administratively Artic, it would be remain active in communicating with everyone, and although you can register with all the search engines in the world (and there are a world full of them) nothing beats repeat visitors to your site. Create a fun and expansive place - don't over do the technology and always think from the mind of a member or visitor and NOT as an Administrator when it comes to how you want your forum and website to be preceived by others.

Also as an Administrator, whether of a website or a forum or both, keep your content entertaining unless you are aiming at technical. When first starting out, don't wait for members to post (you will need to create content to stimulate the visitors) because unless they see you are committed in your efforts, "no one" will reply, or post.

And always be responcible, but fair - if "you" build a ship, "you" should captain it, but never forget you cannot sail with out a committed crew and a crew's commitment is something earned (not by the wizardry of your technology) but with the belief in your purpose.

Lastly, have the courage to always be yourself, have a sense of humor, don't be affraid to ask for the help and talents of others, stand by your convictions and don't be discouraged if your efforts take time to blossum.

Best of luck Artic, and please feel free to PM me if you think I can be of help.
NJBeemaster my YOUTUBE Video Collection

Please enjoy the forum, and if it has helped you in any way, we hope that a small donation can be made to support our FULLY member supported forum. You will never see advertisements here, and that is because of the generous members who have made our forum possible. We are in our second decade as a beekeeping forum and all thanks to member support. At the top right of every page is a donations link. Please help if you can.


     I wish you well on your endeavors. BUT-IMHO the sense of community you strive for rings hollow on this forum.I think what has been achieved here is a sense of "family". Your ambition is to be admired for certain , yet I think you may have better results by peddling your wares via a different venue. I hope this is sufficient to satisfy your probe.
The person who walks in another's tracks leaves NO footprints.


As for the issue of making a bee related website and never keeping bees. I’ll explain it by saying that bees have always been a great interest to me. Because of this interest I have gained an amount of academic knowledge on the subject, I know this is no substitute for practical knowledge, but one does what one can. If situations were different I would have kept bees for a while now, however things have only started to work themselves out this year allowing me to start my first hive. From my experience, knowledge begets knowledge, and information likewise. So I figured a good way to gain more knowledge on the subject (as there is always knowledge to gain) would be to become a host to such information. If that makes any sort of sense :)

I am aware of the seemingly daunting tasks and the amount of involvement required to keep a sight both hosted and useful. I am also fully aware that creating a site as I described, would like even cause greater headaches and more man-hours than a more typical less lofty reaching design. I also know that such a website could not be truly self-supportive, even less so in the begging when content must exist to keep people adding to it. I have every intention to be involved at every step I can, perhaps even to a fault. I call it a community website, as it truly requires a community to work. I know I can’t go it alone, but I intend to be there the entire way, captaining the ship as beemaster said. I figure at worst, if I do decide to go forward with such a site, and it fails (miserably), I will at least walk away with new experiences and skills. Experience, in my opinion is one of the few things someone can measure their life against, and at the very least I’ll walk away a better person.

Also, thank you for your the kind and supporting words, especially you John :)

(Also if anyone is interested this topic is also being hosted by the BeeSource Bee Forum)


You have to be careful with the Wiki stuff. It's all too often a pooling of ignorance. I tried to correct an article at Wikipedia once, and some cow of a college girl kept changing my correction back to the original. That's why, in debate, you can't use Wikipedia as a source, because if you do, everyone will think you don't have an academic background.



I agree "when you have an open source for info" which anyone can claim to be FACT, you maybe asking for trouble - most everything in life is opinion - so some venues where opinion can be read as truth scares me.

That is (honestly) why I shy away from MANY questions on medicine and chemical treatments of honeybees - I follow the instructions on the package, but have no extraordinary knowledge on such topics, so I'm in a position (where the member name of Beemaster) can add validity BEYOND humble opinion.

That is another reason I include a bio in my signature - I never want people to believe I am here as an entomologist or possessing any education beyond my 30 years of keeping bees at a hobby level.

For those new to the forums: what Beemaster does is offer a service, a hub if you will for opinions, questions and answers. I fear the idea of creating a vault of knowledge that (as was in your case with the cow of a college girl - lol) that on-line encyclopedias can incorrectly state matters that are important in their subtle meanings.

Here is a silly but VITALLY DIFFERENT point in the test for a boiler operators license: A combination Gauge measures PRESSURE "or" VACUUM (not) PRESSURE "and" VACUUM - the words "or" and "and" have totally different meaning and it is small wording differences from people who MEAN WELL that can cause more harm than good.

Not to say Artic's idea of Wiki is a bad thing, Robo has mentioned it has merit too, but we discussed also to consolidate THE LAB and HIVE TOOL and CONSTRUCTION forums, making room for a FREQRENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS forum.

The FAQs Forum really would be a handy thing, as more members make it to the forums, we get many repeat questions (which although we never mind answering) and (having a good search feature available to find good answers) it is still good to have a forum where THE BEST of the BEST replies to a topic can be posted, giving the person asking the question a collection of GREAT REPLIES to BEST answer his/her question.

I did go to Beesource and read Artic's post, it was literally a cut and paste of the post he did here. I like Beesource, although I don't go there very often - I always get the feeling that I'm tossed into the middle of a forum and have no real DIRECTION toward posting, we sometimes cringe at mis-filed posts here, but "I" have a real hard time at that other forum manouvering around - just my opinion of their software - which looks jazzy enough, it's just not as comfortable for me to use.

Someone mentioned on that forum that the world does NOT need another beekeeping site - I think that is foolish. Beekeeping needs all the resources and notariety it can get. I don't feel any threat by any other service on the Internet, nor should anyother forum or website feel their site is competing.

We all need to keep the purpose of Spreading the word on Beekeeping to the masses in mind. Now, if you said the world don't need another website about Britney Spears, I might agree - but Beekeeping needs all the help it can get!!!!

Good post TV and all - I hope to get the merge of the Lab and Hive Construction done tonight (while at work) and start working on the FAQs Forum - as you can tell, I'm trying my dangdest to make posting in the correct forums easier for everyone, and at the same time building a better knowledge database to pull ACCURATE and PRECISE info from.

Wait until you see some of the upcoming MEMBER FEATURES that will be available in the near furite - sub-forums, spell checkers, Ignore Features, images introducing the forums on the main page and throughout the forums and other neat tools to make our forums an even more fun place to be :)

Year two here will be a wonderful year of learning and as it was said in the original post here - this place is family, and I really am touched by that kind statement!!!!
NJBeemaster my YOUTUBE Video Collection

Please enjoy the forum, and if it has helped you in any way, we hope that a small donation can be made to support our FULLY member supported forum. You will never see advertisements here, and that is because of the generous members who have made our forum possible. We are in our second decade as a beekeeping forum and all thanks to member support. At the top right of every page is a donations link. Please help if you can.


I think you've received some wise advice.  Like you, I'm a newbie beekeeper (and I have CompSci degrees as well).  Since last fall I've been a nearly-daily reader of posts both here and at beesource (and at another forum having nothing to do with bees).  Honestly,  I don't have the time to even begin to read all the posts I'd like to on these sites, so adding another site to my list isn't likely.

Horns Pure Honey

I would like to see your site when you make it but I think it would be hard to compare to these forums do to we are all such a tight nit family here and that most of us get on here every day and post quite a bit, bye :D
Ryan Horn


This site has over five hundred members, a very low percentage of these even post here, so surely one of the reclusive ones perhaps has another oppinion about Artics idea.
:rainbowflower:  Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.   :rainbowflower:


My pictures.Type in password;  youview

Horns Pure Honey

I guess when you go look at the memberlist info there is really only small % that post. I guess it looks so large becuase we post so much, lol, bye :D
Ryan Horn