First Year Splits and Raising queens Are a Success

Started by JordanM, August 07, 2009, 09:07:32 PM

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I made 2 one frame splits from one of my hives and had great success. I checked the hives today and found there to be queens in both of these hives laying good worker brood.

Can you find the queeen?:


Very Cool,
tel more on what you did?
did you just use one frame of bood and bees each?
Did you feed?
Were there already queen cells there when you split?


I simply took one frame of open brood and one frame of honey and put them in a queen castle and put a feeder on them.The feeder you can see on my website. And i came back in 1 month and i had two beatiful fat queens. Now i have moved them into 5 frame nucs.