small swarm

Started by bill, April 12, 2005, 09:56:42 PM

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I caught a small swarm today. I was lucky last night I was putting brood frames together and had enough to put a hive together for them. I hope they will stay. they were very small and I didn't want to lose any so I sprayed them with light syrup so they can't leave for a while anyway I waited till late evening to hive them ( I got them about 4:30) I wanted to wait untill they would at least wait till morning. They looked a lot lighter color than my bees. I will let you know if they stay. If they do I will look for the queen in a few days.

Horns Pure Honey

Sounds great bill, hope it works out, bye :D
Ryan Horn


They were still here this morning. the are a light color than the italians that I got from it looks like ther yellow is more prominant. could anyone give me an educated  or otherwise idea of what breed they are Thanks


How about a picture? :D
By the rude bridge that arched the flood
Their flag to Aprils breeze unfurled
Here once the embattled farmers stood
And fired the shot heard round the world


When a swarm is little, it is usual that it is "late" swarm and it has virgin queen. That kind of queen starts to lay eggs after 7-10 days.

If you do not have one box full of bees, give from tour big hive hactshing brood enough that a little one gets good start. After 2 month that is ready to collect honey.  

But it is not useful to keep swarming queen. It inherits and you will loose some swarms next summer! Change the queen at autumn.

lively Bee's