Time for Expansion

Started by BMAC, January 22, 2010, 11:19:17 AM

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I decided this year I am going to starrt producing my own queens during the Spring/summer.  I also decided that I am going to take all the colonies I have that do not build up strong and produce a spring honey crop I am going to kill the queens and split the hives and let them build up on the latter summer/fall flow.  I would like to see how these late summer splits winter and perform next spring.  Who knows.  They might e strong enough by then to split again.  Maybe I could find a location for them on Brazilian peppers in Fl. and let them finish building to full strength on them before moving them back to Ga for next winter.
God Bless all the troops
Semper Fi Marines!


Sounds good. Keep us posted.


Make sure you carry some extra queens through the winter. Next year you will not have to wait the whole summer to fix an unproductive colony. You can tell early enough if the queen is performing poorly. Don't waste time, re queen it with one of the over wintered queens.
Program sounds good enough to me.
Try not to push to hard to quick. :)doak