My 6th month Mead

Started by Dracono, April 22, 2010, 02:18:04 PM

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Well I Tasted my 6Th month Mead and OMG it was great!!! its a Viking Mead that uses honey,water,fruit,and spices.
It is 15% ach volume and I have 5 gallons of it.
This has had been a long long 6 months for me and Now I am going to have a great time on  Beltane aka. May Day. (May 1st)

I just wish I knew then when I made it what I know now I didn't even write anything down but that's okay I still can get the recipe off line like I did before!!!
if any one has good recipe's I would love to try them out.



Oh how I love a good Viking Mead! However, now is the time to get your Samhain mead started. Break out those nice warm spices!


would you mind sharing your exact recipe?


Halfdans Viking Mead is the recipe you used, right? a Google search will provide tons of pages on it as well as variations.