May 26th swarm now queenless

Started by IAFF, June 16, 2010, 10:12:22 PM

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Yep the swarm i captured is now queenless. Should I add some brooder frames from stronger hives and order a queen, or try to get these bees accepted into another hive.  At a stand still now.  They have barely started making comb. Thanks, Steven


If the swarm is strong in numbers, I would give them a frame of uncapped brood with eggs. In 28 days you should have a laying queen in 28 days.

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Another 28 days just means more money spent later for feeding as your missing any flow that may be left. That, or you will be stealing resources from other hives, so it's still costly. Just buck up and buy a queen and get them rolling much sooner.....if you can find a queen. The brood pheromone from a frame moved over from another hive will at least keep the laying workers from developing.
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