Getting my bees this saturday

Started by amymcg, May 17, 2005, 03:20:26 PM

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Well, I'm getting my bees this Saturday from Lagrant's in Ware, MA.  I am going to a 3 hour seminar they are having, then leaving with my bees.  I'll start posting pictures on my bee blog once we get them.


Bout time :wink:

Bet you can't wait, especially with all the stories of other first time beekeepers around here lately.

I'm sure you'll have a blast and the 3 hrs will seem like minutes.  

Good luck,  I hope the weather is nice for you.
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it comes dressed in overalls and looks like work." - Thomas Edison


Yes, I've been so jealous of everyone with their package bees, but I know that my bees were loaded into my hive body last week, so they will have already been working my foundation for several days by the time I get them home, and I will probably be adding the second deep sooner than I thought.

I'm really anxious and nervous all at the same time, I can't wait to just watch them working.


Good Luck, Amy!  

Take your time and enjoy the moment.