Deformed Wing Virus? How worried should I be?

Started by lisascenic, June 30, 2010, 09:34:12 PM

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open up some caped Drone brood to look for mites-bees crawling in front of hive with DWV is when to worry-your bees should be outpacing the mites at this time-end of August and start of sept is when Dwv hits my bees-I think post #12 gets it-RDY-B


We reinforced our ant-moats, and restarted the mite count. So far, we're seeing between nine and twelve mites a day on the board. This hardly seems like huge numbers. 

We're going to keep monitoring the board, to see what the mite fall looks like.

We also did somthing that will probably be met with scorn and ridicule by the serious beekeepers. We placed a lok of thyme branches on top of the honey supers. The bees have been breaking this apart and bringing it out of the hive. It's not contributing to mite fall, but it probably isn't doing any harm.