nicot queen system for sale

Started by bees8888, October 11, 2010, 05:24:49 PM

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have a nicot queen rearing kit used very little  email me at [email protected]  for more info




I contacted the seller, "Bees8888" (with only 1 post) to inquire as to what the system included, how much he asked for it, it's condition, and any pictures he may have. He responded with pictures - $50. The pictures had some items missing.

I asked if he would accept a lower price. He replied with a one word email . . . . "no"

I explained that his $50 USED system was missing over $20 worth of parts, and sells for new from Brushy Mountain for $73.

He replied with "i have all parts pluse extras i did not show but you need to buy from else where"

Seller is rude and uncooperative.

Save yourself the time and hassle.


D Coates

Ninja, is not in the dictionary.  Well played Ninja's, well played...


Sounds like he is hopelessly lost.


This is exactly whyy the forum does not get directly involved with sales between members.
caveat emptor
Buyer be aware. And it is also why all transactions are to be conducted between buyer and seller through PM's and personal emails.