I'm Back Baby...UPDATED

Started by thomashton, June 01, 2005, 12:59:21 AM

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Hello Everyone. It's good to be back. In case you were wondering--I have arrived home from Iraq and have moved back to my home state of Utah. I will be moving to Northern Utah and working as a biologist again (instead of a soldier).
I'm enclosing a picture of where my wife and I will be building a new home. Can't wait to get some girls out working those fields.
Thanks to everyone for making me feel so welcome in the past, and now that I'm back home.

...Couldn't get the image to work, but you can go to this page to check out the pictures anyway. Thanks again for making me feel so welcome.
After 18 months of reading and preparation, my girls finally arrived on April 11th (2006)!

Queen Bee

Welcome home! But your picture didn't work for me... How many hives will /do you have?? Debbie

Miss Chick-a-BEE

Good to have one of our boys home! I sure wish the situation in Iraq would straighten out so all the men and women could come home. I'm also very proud of all of our service men and women for taking on the hardest job in the world - thank you!

Your picture didn't show. ? Love to see if if you can figure out what's up.

And once again........
Welcome HOME!!!



Next year will be my first year beekeeping, so I believe I will stick with just two hives. I think that will allow me to not have too many hives, but I can compare the two of them and judge the progress of them better that way.

BTW< I will be building in an area that if you put a really long, 1 mile long string right in the center of my 1.5 acre lot and spun in around on the ground to make a 1mile circle on the ground frm my lot, there would be about 12 homes and the rest of it is alfalfa, oats and rangeland. I can just hear the girls buzzing with excitement. I know I am.
After 18 months of reading and preparation, my girls finally arrived on April 11th (2006)!


Welcome home and THANKS for your service!

Miss Chick-a-BEE

Went to look at the pictures...... REALLY nice. Starting with two hives is the best way to do it. The comparision is so valuble, plus if you have a problem with one getting weak, you can supliment with the other.

I have three hives right now, and soon to have 4. I really want to build up to 10 and stop there. I think that's enough for me doing it by myself. They grow so fast though, I'm wondering what I'll do after I have the 10. What will I do with all those bees? I hate the thought of just letting them swarm. I started with 1 hive and it's doubling each year. So next year I'm sure I'll have 8 hives - then the ability to have 16 the year after.

Have to start offering free bees to new beekeepers I guess. :)



Looks like a great spot for hives.  what is the pasturage?

Good Luck and Thank you.

Every returning serviceman should get a package of bees and starter hive.  I'm going to call Donald Rumsfeld to see what we can arrange.


It has been said before but merits repeating...

Thank you for your service to our country. Welcome home and peace to your and your family.
Charles Fry, Amatuer Farmer & Entremanure
Frog Pond Acres   -    http://www.fpacres.com - come by for a visit!


Thanx alot for everything man, Welcome HOME


I read a signature line in a forum somewhere recently you might appreciate

"If you can read this, thank a teacher.
If it's in english, thank a soldier"

Thanks for your service

Your place looks great
this is my first year beekeeping and it's great fun
Good Luck



It is the soldier, not the poet, who gives us freedom of speech.
It is the soldier, not the reporter, who gives us freedom of the press.
It is the soldier, not the campus organizer, who gives us freedom to protest.
It is the soldier who serves beneath the flag, who salutes the flag, and whose coffin is draped by the flag, who gives the demonstrator the right to burn the flag."
-- Stephen Ambrose

Welcome home, and thank you for my freedom!
By the rude bridge that arched the flood
Their flag to Aprils breeze unfurled
Here once the embattled farmers stood
And fired the shot heard round the world


Ahhhh, Home Sweet Home!  Welcome back, we're happy you made it safe and sound.  Thank you for your committed service.



Welcome home brother, glade you made it!

Thanks, See you there next time.

Heres to absent friends....RIP


Thom, Welcome Home and Thank You. The pics are just great and the area for your new home is too. Good Luck with the Girls  :D


Hey Welcome back I just got back from SLC Utah went up to see my brothers.My first bees were in Fruit Heights Ut in the 70's
"It's not about Honey it's not about Money It's about SURVIVAL" Charles Martin Simmon