Small hive beetle in Hawaii

Started by orvette1, October 11, 2010, 11:00:31 AM

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Small hive beetle has been found on one island here in Hawaii. It will spread to the other islands some time. I would like to know where I can find info on controlling the pest naturally without pesticides. If I have to use pesticides then so be it. Is there a way to keep them out of the hive in the first place?

L Daxon

I don't know too many beeks who use chemicals to control SHB (except maybe some on the ground around the hive).  Lots of different traps.  You can Google Small Hive Beetle traps and see different kinds.  Beetle Blaster, Beetle Jail, etc.  Most use cooking or mineral oil to drown the little critters.  All the big bee supply places sell them.

There are also lots of previous posts on here about how to best control.
linda d


Beetle barns and oil trays under SBB.   And the thumb method.


Quote from: orvette1 on October 11, 2010, 11:00:31 AM
Small hive beetle has been found on one island here in Hawaii. It will spread to the other islands some time. I would like to know where I can find info on controlling the pest naturally without pesticides. If I have to use pesticides then so be it. Is there a way to keep them out of the hive in the first place?

Oh I am sorry to hear that. I know the Hawaiian islands have been mostly free of pests. Seemed really easy to me to be a beekeeper on the islands. Which Island did they find the beetle???


The found them on the Big Island. Thanks to everyone for the info.


Probably got there the same way they got to the mainland; on ships from infested areas. The SHB will flock to many types of fruit, especially melons and bananas, so get carried along on the ships bringing food products. I suspect that every temperate climate country will have the joy of the infestation as the years progress!


Im in Hawai'i, Big island. BIG problems, the SHB!  Lost 2 hives of 4.  Mostly due to me not being attentive enough.  Actually, I am not sure how attentive I need to be.  Inspections every 2 weeks, possibly?  I am trying AJ beetleeater and the "fatbeeman"(youtube video) boric acid traps.  My 2 remaining hives do have beetles, but seem strong enough to handle them.  Hive strength is key, I am thinking.  Also, I would like to get the beetle traps that are combined with a screened bottom board, but I can afford it right now.  I think those would be better than AJ beetle eater.  If you are on the Big Island, you can contact the Big Island Beekeepers Assoc(BIBA) and they may direct you to some resources.  Im feeling pretty frustrated with the SHB right now, struggling with how to deal with them.  supposedly, varroa weakens the colony further and makes it more SHB susceptible, but we have been without approved formic acid here for 6 months.  so......waiting.......december we can buy mite away quick strips again and I can treat my hives.

b reeves

Keep them in full sun, breed from your survivors, I don't treat or trap, all my hives have SHB, if the bees don't know how to deal with them then they will die, but you will have some that will deal with them very effectively and continue to prosper, about half to 3/4 of the wild bees will fail and it will take years to rebuild that population
Good luck