Daughter & father exchange

Started by D Semple, October 17, 2011, 02:26:55 PM

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D Semple

My daughter just walked into the living room and said "Dad, cancel my  allowance immediately, rent my room out, throw all my clothes out of the window,  take my TV, and stereo, and iPhone, and iPod, and my laptop.  Please take all of  my jewelry to the Salvation Army or Cash Converters.  Then sell my new car, take  my front door key away from me and throw me out of the house.  Then disown me  and never talk to me again.  And don,t forget to write me out of your will and  leave my share to my brother."

Well, she didn't put it quite like that... She actually said...


"Dad I have decided to work for Obama's reelection  campaign."

Larry Bees



He did the same thing with his older daughter when she said,

Dad, meet my new boyfriend, Mohammed.
"Listen to the mustn'ts, child. Listen to the don'ts. Listen to the shouldn'ts, the impossibles, the won'ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me . . . Anything can happen, child. Anything can be"

*Shel Silverstein*