your worst sting expirience

Started by Destruckdoz, June 03, 2005, 01:26:30 AM

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On monday i went to refill syrup in my hives that were packaged bee's, and decided to take a look in my dads "ghetto" hive( its a box the size of a 35 inch tv), it has only 4 pieces of plywood as frames with about 4 or 5 inches apart from eachother( like the picture on Mr Bush's website when the bee's moved into the feeder), a real mess in there. I wanted to jack a piece of honey but these two bee's stung my right arm, its so swolen that i had trouble writting my in class college final, its so swolen that i have trouble gripping the pen. Ive gotten stung before but for some reason this was the worst, whats your worst expirience?


On my uncles farm, there was a considerable pile of hive bodys and parts.  I was stretched out across the top, watching a trap I had set up to catch some burrowing owls.  I noticed bees had taken up residence in one of the boxes, so I pried the top off for a look.  Big mistake.  I don't know how many stings I got, but both eyes swelled closed, nose took over most of my face, except the parts where my swollen lips had spread to.  Both forearms and shoulders swelled up noticeably from stings there as well.  Took 2 days before my eyes stopped watering and the swelling went down enough to see.

My uncle got a big kick out of it and gave me a veil and the ABC & XYZ of Beekeeping.  He released my owls, let go the numerous snakes I had caught and told me to stick with the bees.  Almost 40 years have gone by, but I still have that book.

Horns Pure Honey

I havent had a "bad" bee sting exp. really, but my worst would be trying to move a new hive and not wearing the right stuff, shorts and t-shirt, and got stung on the thumb and leg. When I was stung on the face I didnt really swell but for some reason my leg swelled quite a bit when my thumb just itched. :wink:
Ryan Horn


My worst stinging incident actually doesn't have to do with bees.  I've never been stung by honeybees but I've had more than my fair share of yellow jacket stings.  I was hiking the Apallation Trail last summer with the boyscouts and I wasn't in the best shape (250 pounds with pack on).I was so slow that I fell to the back of the line with the sweep.  Anyways, I was hiking an area of the trail loaded with holes in the ground which I thought were nothing more than mouse holes...I was wrong.  I stepped on one and it caved in nearly a foot under my leg.  I twisted my anckle and worst yet...It was full of Yellow Jackets.  I ran as fast as I could, tripped on a rock and got something jammed in my knee.  Granted...I was pannicking, my leg had a large gouge in it that was bleeding profusely and I had in upwards of two dozzen stings.   I guess this is a little off topic but hey it does have to do with a bad stinging incident.  Anyways, long story short, I limped the last 2 miles and arrived about an hour and a half later than anyone else.  My leg hurt so bad I had to use treking poles as crutches!

lively Bee's

Bottom lip last week.  I was standing about 4 feet off to the side and my friend swatted at at honey bee and came my way. Landed on my lip and popped me before I could do anything man did it hurt :(


I was walking through my vegetable garden shortly after hiving my first package last year, and collided with a bee, which immediately got trapped under the right lens of my eyeglasses.  Sting on the eybrow which swelled a little and went away.  However, about two weeks later, I got another bee trapped under my eyeglasses -- same eye -- when I lifted the upper cover to peek in.  THIS time, the whole area around my eye swelled up, and my eye was closed for three days.  I even went to the hospital to get some cortizone to help reduce the swelling.

From then on I try not to wear my glasses when messing around with the hives!

-- Kris

Rich V

No bad story. Been stung several times on the back of the head.Very little swelling, but it sure did hurt.


Today. Yep it was terrible. Got one sting on my right little finger and another just above the right wrist. TWO stings at the same time. I have never been stung so many times at once. (Sniffle, whine.) Again after the initial burning there is nothing to show for it but a bump.
:rainbowflower:  Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.   :rainbowflower:


My pictures.Type in password;  youview


My worst stinging experience was when I was about 12.  I had my bee suit and all on and I was doing great.  One little problem, I had let the duck tape on my pants ankle come loose and my socks were showing.  BAM BAM, both ankles at the same time.  My pain scale is very different now from then, but at the time all I could do was run to the house.  It set me back months, in terms of psyche (sp), but that was the Worst.  Now all of my stings up until now have been in "sensitive areas", such as ankles, pinkie finger, eyebrow and maybe another or two, but the recent stings I have had on my lower, outside forearm have been "itching" at worst.  A fire ant sting is much worse to me now.


I got stung not to long ago and it got me right between the eye and my nose did not even hurt at all but I must say I did swell and boy let me tell you I need to be stung more often I actually looked well rested in a long time.....Better than collegan LOLL