combining swarms?

Started by EOHenry, June 17, 2005, 12:36:41 AM

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I just captured my 2nd swarm of the season. :D  It is about half the size of the first one, about the size of a 3# package.  Is there enuff time left this year for this swarm to produce surplus honey or should I combine it to my other swarm?  What about taking brood frames from my other hhives?
Thanx for any input.
I bee a firefighter.


If swarm size is  8 lbs, it is capable to gather honey like normal hive.

It means that bees  fill 1,5-2 langstroth boxes. If swarm fills only one box, it is not able to gather real honey.

If swarm is too week, you can help it by installing one full frame of brood. It gives 3 frames bees.   If you get that two box of bees, it will gather very well. Swarm is really grazy in that job.

And when you catch that swarm it is wise to give box of foundations. Let it bee in 2 days and then you feed it with syrup three days more. So foundations are drawn upp. After that you put it together with another hive.

If you have 2 swarms, you just out them together.  They do not fight.