Another question

Started by Beecharmer, June 17, 2005, 05:30:33 PM

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How do you get bees to move off a frame you need to work on?  (Cross comb)  I don't really want to brush them off, cause that pee'd 'em off.  Is there any other way?  Would sharply tapping it on the ground knock them off?
"Outside of a good book, a dog is a man's best friend: and inside a dog, it's too dark to read."  Groucho Marx

Miss Chick-a-BEE

That works some. But still makes them somewhat mad. Sometimes I smoke the frame while it's in my hands. That helps to get a good majority off.



I just hold the frame ends in my fingers, then snap the top bar against the heal of my hand.  They usually seem more bewildered than angry, but it does get alot of them in the air.

Horns Pure Honey

I do what beth does, alot of smoke. Some grass that has been cut a few days before that is still slightly green makes a very thick smoke that they cant stand and it moves them fast. :D
Ryan Horn


a quick downward motion with a sudden stop like you would shake water out of a hairbrush will do the trick.  though sometimes you may need to do it more than once. hold the frame with both hands the same way it hangs and shake 'em right into the hive.  fewer bees in the air and VERY FEW on the ground crawling up your pants leg.

Michael Bush

Shaking works if it's wired wax in a deep or any wax foundation in a medium or any plastic foundation.  I don't shake foundationless unless it's well attached and aged enough to be pretty strong.  Shaking a comb out is frustrating.  :)  For a soft new foundationless frame I'd brush them or just leave them there while I scrape the wild comb off.
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