moving capped queen cells before day 12-13

Started by organicfarmer, May 08, 2011, 03:19:25 PM

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i read somewhere that moving capped queens cells from cell finisher to nuc before day 12-13 (such as day 10 instead) is better for pupae, they have less chances to be moved and negatively affected in the cell. Yet everywhere (literature, internet...) recommandation is a day or two before hatching. At the point after capping there is not much bees can do beside temperature control, so why wait day 12-13?
What is your experience if you have tried both? Thoughts if you have not?


Never mind, i found my answers. It seems that negative impact is greater right after capping (Day 10-12)

Michael Bush

I have done, and probably will continue to do everything from 10 to 15 days from the egg (10 days from grafting) just because sometimes my schedule is hard to deal with, but I prefer 14 days.  Sometimes at 15 they are emerging if it's hot out.  Sometimes they get damaged if they are just capped.
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