Looking for some info....

Started by jgarzasr, June 20, 2005, 04:22:53 PM

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I installed two packages of bees this spring - I am not sure how far along they should be on their progress.  My first package I installed on 5/16 - they currently have about 8 frames of drawn comb - so about a week ago I added a second deep - I checked yesterday - and they still have not drawn any comb on the remaining two frames in the first body nor began anything on the second body.  So I removed a frame of drawn comb full of bees and added to the second body and replaced the frame of foundation on the first.  My second package I installed was on 5/26 - they have about 9 frames drawn out - so I added the second deep, and also moved a frame of drawn to it.  Are these hives progressing normally?  I am still providing 1:1 sugar syrup - which they are taking in pretty fast.  Also yesterday - I removed in one hive about 4 or 5 swarm cells.  Is this also normal?  I have never had any hands on experience in Beekeeping - and I learn a lot better seeing - then reading all these books - which give a lot of good info.  Anybody located here in Southern/Central MI that wouldn't mind someone looking over their shoulder.....  Hey - any info you guys could give would be great.



Hi Jason,

Sounds like everything is moving along fine - especially considering the not-so-great weather you guys were having there for a while.

It does seem a bit odd that you would have swarm cells forming in a brand new package.

Are you 100% certain the cells you removed where swarm cells?  Peanut shaped hanging off the bottom of the frames?  Or could they have been drone brood?  The drone brood sticks out a fair bit further than regular worker capped cells.  They are usually located right along the bottom edge of the frames (at least in my hives).

Some might disagree here, but I would continue to feed the sugar syrup - it will help stimulate them to draw the foundation out.  I think you know not to plan on taking any honey this year.


Thanks SherryL for the reply - I was hoping it was going ok - I don't really know any other Bee Keepers around here to connect up with so this forum (the only one I frequent) is my only way to hear from others.  I am pretty sure they were swarm cells - they actually hung down from the frame about an inch and were circular in shape.  Also - is adding a frame of drawn comb ok to add to the second deep?  I was planning on feeding sugar syrup until all two deeps were drawn and full.

I have come to realize that I probably will not get any honey this year -....  I was hoping on maybe getting some from the Goldenrod/aster harvest - but that may not leave enough for the bees.  Thanks again for the reply.


Generally speaking I think most people will tell you not to split up the brood like that.  You have really 3 more months of good, warm weather, lots of opportunity for the girls to draw foundation AND build up their stores in both boxes.

I would say, probably no need to have moved those frames.  You put a frame of undrawn foundation in it's place - right?  That doesn't help the queen for laying, she needs to have that drawn before she can lay, and now the nurse bees need to move themselves up into the top box to tend to the brood moved up there.  Maybe next time you're in the hive move those frames back.  But probably not doing any real harm, but no real good either.

I know how you feel about being alone in this.  I don't know of any beekeepers up in this area either, think it would be a huge help though!  :lol:


Jason, I am in SE Ohio... not close, but not too far from you either.

I installed three hives this spring (5/8) and two of them are building out the second deep and one of them is still working on their first deep. I guess it all depends! This week I will be adding the second deep to my last hive.

Is there an ag extention agent in your area? He or she might know someone who is a beekeeper and they might introduce you. Most of the guys in my area are prettu friendly once they know you are serious. And you have a hive, so you are serious!

Have fun and relax - it seems we might "over think" this hobby just like we do so many other things. Bees have been making honey for millions of years... we are just along to enjoy the show and provide some stewardship. Good luck!
Charles Fry, Amatuer Farmer & Entremanure
Frog Pond Acres   -    http://www.fpacres.com - come by for a visit!