Will the bees move capped honey up?

Started by fuzzybeekeeper, June 22, 2005, 06:05:55 PM

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Like most beginning beekeepers, I fed my package bees sugar syrup HEAVY for about two months thinking that they would draw foundation faster that way.

I have not fed any syurp in about a month and most of the "honey" seems to be capped.  I have three mediums for the brood nest.  If I add a super on top of the hive, is there a chance that they will un-cap some of the syurp-honey and move it up in to the new frames or can I be assured that any honey that is in the new super will be 100% honey?  

I hadn't planned on taking any honey this year, but they seem to be piling it on.  We don't have horrible winters in Texas so I don't feel like I have to leave more than 3 mediums for a brood/honey area for the winter.



They won't uncap that honey just to move it so you're pretty safe.  As long as you are not feeding now, that will be 100% Grade A goodness in your next super.  Hope that helps.


You can feed capped honey or syrup back when you put the frame between brood frames. They eat part and they move part to get room for brood.

When you do that, weather must be rainy, or something that bees do no get honey from flowers. If they get, they cap the frame again.

You uncap 2 frames and put them between larva frames. You just try and see what happens. At same time you can give foundations to be built so they consume syrup faster.