Van Frisch observation hive

Started by Barnabus, July 03, 2005, 12:43:36 PM

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I visited a fellow beekeeper yesterday to look at his new observation hive it was a Van Frisch type that he baught as a kit and he finished and assembled it himself. It was a very neat and profesional looking hive not to big but yet able to accomidate 3 frames that could be arranged using deep, medium, or shallow. He paid $189 for the kit and I surely can't afford that. Does anyone on this forum know where I can find the plans for the Van Frisch observation hive I would like to build one.
Thank for your help.



bwrangler, who posts here often, has some instructions on his site

it's not really a Van Frisch type like you mention, his is several frames thick
I guess a Van Frisch type is better because you can see every surface but one like this is more viable over time.
I modified his design and built this's/Dsc00958.jpg

it's really pretty easy, just a box, depends on how fancy you want to get.
You gotta make the grooves the frames fit in, the proper tool is a dado blade for a table saw, but you could fudge it with a skill saw.
I figure if I put frames in the center (it's 4 frames thick) and frames with starter strips on the ouside, I'll be able to watch hive development very nicely
Here's a Van Frisch type
