tracheal mites

Started by mat, July 13, 2005, 04:09:40 PM

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Are the medications used for varoa effective for treating tracheal mites? According to some european data they are.


I just did some looking around on the web and found that a combination of apistan and formic acid results in dual mite control.  I found this here...

It would seem that menthol is the most widely used maybe due to cost.  I'm not sure what the formic acid runs but menthol is reasonably priced.

Michael Bush

The best solution to Tracheal mites is get resistant queens.  It's not hard to breed resistant queens.  If everyone would quit treating and quit buying from queen breeders whose queens die from it, we would wipe out the problem in one or two years.

I do not treat for tracheal mites.  If they are suceptable, I want to know about it so I quit breeding them.
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