Anyone ever experiment with artificial daylight?

Started by latebee, June 30, 2005, 12:19:37 AM

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I just had a wild thought. I know from raising poultry that egg laying can absolutely be stimulated by increasing day length via artificial lighting. Perhaps the same theory would apply to honeybees. Lets say you focused a spot light several feet from your hive and directed it at the opening. Controlled by an automatic timer to go on just a little before sunrise,during the morning twilight. As long as the temps are right and there is pollen-nectar to be had,maybe I could get a jumpstart on the brood rearing and increase colony size before the spring flow. Several of you have given me advice on artificial heating methods,and I am pleased with those results. If any of you have info or thoughts on this---jump in and give your two cents worth.
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Good question.  I'm interested in seeing responses on this one.  As I'm new to beekeeping I have no idea as to an answer.  But I can offer an observation of my hives.  They receive sunlight at just after trees to block morning sun...trees to rear of hives to block afternoon heat.  BUT, even with sun on the hives in the mornings my bees aren't overly active until 8:00am...once the hive warms up they are super busy from 9:30 on.  Don't know if the artificial light would help...not sure if it is the light or the rise in temperature that triggers them to forage.



I have some hives of Carni's in a location that doesn't get sun 'til late in the morning, and some of my Italians in a spot on the other side of the lot that gets sun at the first sight of dawn.  My Carni's still get out earlier than those lazy Italians.  From the info that I have gathered, foraging is triggered more by temperature than daylight.  Carni's are suppose to be a bee for colder climates and tend to get out and forage at 45 degrees, when Italians don't get out foraging until 55 to 60 degrees

I'm not convinced at the temps they are suppose to get out at, but I did some side by side trials last year, in both locations the Carni's were active earlier than the Italians, whether they were in early sun locations or shaded morning locations.

Michael Bush

If you put them in a dark cellar and keep it dark until you want brood rearing and then use a bright light it can work.  I've heard studies referenced.  Brood rearing has most everything to do with length of day.
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