
Started by mat, July 03, 2005, 06:54:26 PM

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Hello everybody, I am new to this forum and  I have a question re: honey extraction. I started this year and I do not have spare combs to put in the hive after I take the frames with honey. Puting the wet combs after extracting back into the hive can trigger robbing. What should I do?


I haven't extracted yet, but I've heard people putting them back, and allowing the bees to clean up the mess.  Obviously it isn't time yet to store the extra equipment so I would allow them to clean up the equipment, then keep whatever frames and boxes you need on the hive while storing the rest until later in the season. Not much else you can do there as far as I can tell.  

...and welcome to the forum.  Lots of good knowledgable people here.  :-D


Robbing is not triggered by putting wet frames back on a hive, wet frames are not much diffirent from frames that are being filled and are not yet capped.

Robbing is quite often triggered by entrance feeders, and most often when there is a period of dearth.  But if that source of feed is less accessable to robbers, as in a top feeder or frame feeder, it doesn't occur.

We always feed back the wet supers to be cleaned up and refilled.


Thank you for your responses. I looked in today, one hive should be ready for honey extraction next weekend (have two).