Welfare feeding? or Well bee-ing feeding?

Started by brenda, July 05, 2005, 11:12:37 PM

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I'm a new beekeeper in central TX.  Received my bees mid April, have been feeding since that time.  My area has little to offer in the way of honey flow other than oaks, native grasses, and some wildflowers:  goat country.   My bees continue to devour sugar water at the rate of 1 quart per hive per day.  Approximately 60% of the frames in the brood chamber are full of comb now, but the bees are contining to eat from the feeders.  I have heard that when the nectar flow is adequate, the bees will ignore the  feeders in favor of the more desirable nectar.  How much longer will they need these feeders?  I don't want to wean them too soon, but also, ants are becoming pretty numerous in the hives.  

Have already had one hive abscond as it filled up with ants, only to move in with the hive next to it.  (Thank goodness)    Can I stop this feeding, and maybe stop the ant problem by doing so?   Need advice.


The ant problem can be solved by putting your hives on 4-legged stands, then placing the legs in coffee cans of liquid - water is fine maybe with a little cooking oil on top.   That should keep the ants at bay.

As far as the feeding.  Sheeesh!  It seems as though you should have some plant nectar out there for them.  I don't know.  If only a little over half the frames are drawn out, you might want to consider feeding.  That's a tough call.  If you wanted to, you could take it away for a week or two and see what happens, see if the foundation drawing slows or stops.


Forgot to mention....

To keep the water from overflowing the cans (when it rains) just poke some hole at the level you want to keep the liquid in the cans at, then the rain will run right out the holes when it reaches that point.  :)


Brenda -

I would think that bees would be taking nectar from the flowers and not be taking the sugar water.  But everything is different based upon location.   If they are taking the sugar water it is becuase there is little nectar for them.  Has it been very humid where you have the bees?  Is it excessivly hot?   You should get in contact with some local beekeepers and see what they know about the nectar flow in your area.  

Also Is your quart feeder an entrace feeder - becuase it could be getting robbed from other bees.  

To check on this:  See if you notice different looking bees - Grey vs. Golden.  Of if you see the bees taking off from the hive, do they climb up the hive and then take off?  This would mean that they are leaving with a full load.    Also the ants could be taking a lot too.  

Is the jar leaking?


If the cost of sugar and the efforts to mix it are not a burden, IMO
I'd keep feeding if for no other reason than your new hive needs drawn comb
and the mixture will provide the bees the materials to get it built.

I have no ant problem here, but will suggest to you that you only give
feedings from on top of the inner cover. Make sure that if an ant wants
your suger water, he is forced to crawl all the way to the top of the
hive through the INSIDE!

The bees will keep them out :wink: