Unassembles kits

Started by Haraga, September 13, 2011, 11:07:14 PM

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Where is the best place to buy unassembled hive kits?  Which ones should I stay away from? Thanks in advance.


are you talking about things like boxes and frames?  for me, shipping is  the big factor.  i either wait for a no shipping cost sale, or order from someone close (mann lake) to keep the cost down.  as for best and worst, i have no complaints about the places i have used, but  i use mann lake the most.
The people the people are the rightful masters of both congresses and courts not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert it.

Abraham  Lincoln
Speech in Kansas, December 1859


kathy is right. I also buy from local suppliers or coordinate my purchases with suppliers attending the state functions or other seminars where there are vendors. Pre-order, and they are usually happy to bring along an order to the meeting. Shipping is a real factor. I don't know of any supplier that is bad enough to not get free shipping or delivered to me at no cost.
Please Support "National Honey Bee Day"
Northern States Queen Breeders Assoc.  www.nsqba.com


Personally i like Russells Apairies and Mann Lake


Ditto on what folks have said....shipping costs can be prohibitive if you have much of anything shipped....wood gets heavy if you pile up much of it.   Being in Alberta I'm not sure which suppliers here in the states would be good for you.  I strongly suggest you contact some local beekeepers and ask for some help/information in locating a source for your equipment.

Most "beginner kits" have things that you don't need in them and maybe don't have what you do need.  Michael Bush has a good list somewhere about what isn't so good about a "kit"...maybe he'll speak up soon.

Here are some links that might help you:


Note, on February 7-8, 2012 the Alberta Beekeepers 10th Annual IPM Symposium in Edmonton, Alberta will be held.  I don't know if that's near enough for you or not.  If you could make that one I'm sure there are probably vendors that will be there and than can deliver your order to you there at no charge.  Here is a link to a pdf pertaining to that meeting: 


Check the Alberta Beekeepers website out, it has a good bit of contact information there.

Best wishes,
American blood spilled to protect the freedom and peace of people all over the world.  320,000 USA casualties in WWI, 1,076,000 USA casualties in WWII, 128,000 USA casualties in the Korean War, 211,000 casualties in the Vietnam "conflict", 57,000 USA casualties in "War on Terror".  Benghazi, Libya, 13 USA casualties. These figures don't include 70,000 MIA.  But, the leaders of one political party of the United States of America continue to make the statement..."What difference does it make?".

"We can't expect the American People to jump from Capitalism to Communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving them small doses of Socialism, until they awaken one day to find that they have Communism."..."The press is our chief ideological weapon." - Nikita Khrushchev

"Always go to other people's funerals, otherwise they wont come to yours." - Yogi Berra

Bee Busters

try to find your local beekeeping association.  You may find someone who has equipment locally to get rid of, or if they are placing a large order, include your order with theirs.  sometimes one of the members will make a run to pick up supplies which saves everyone shipping costs.


I have a 2011 catalog from Beeline Apiaries and Woodenware. I haven't ordered from them yet, but their prices are the best I've seen. They also figure out actual shipping costs so you don't overpay. I will order from them this year.

Vance G

Anyone buying a kit is admitting that they just don't know what they need to keep bees.  Suppliers get a big grin on their face and jack up the price three times when people say "HERES MY SIGN"!!   You need boxes of your chosen demension depending on how much weight you want to lift and how much money you have to spend.  It costs more to supply space for bees in small boxes mainly because frames and foundation are about the same price for any size.  Build your own bottom boards and covers.  Simple plans are everywhere.  You don't need an inner cover, a queen excluder or a hive stand out of one of those catalogs!  Cinder blocks are everywhere and pallets are thrown away everywhere.  Keep it simple and know that kit means KICK HERE!