
Started by crw13755, August 04, 2005, 12:32:33 AM

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Thanks they were all strong but yea they did head out fast , and I am sure they combined in one hive but5 dang it was like they came out with boxing gloves and ready after a few drinks to fight LOLL but as for honey flow No problems there. where can I find the paradiclorobenzene?  .....ok I went dumb sorry par·a·di·chlo·ro·ben·zene    ( P )  Pronunciation Key  (pr-d-klôr-bnzn, -bn-zn, -klr-)
A white crystalline compound, C6H4Cl2, used as a germicide and an insecticide. Main Entry: para·di·chlo·ro·ben·zene
Variant: also â€"di·chlo·ro·ben·zene /"par-&-"dI-"klOr-&-'ben-"zEn, -"klor-, -"ben-'/
Function: noun
: a white crystalline compound C6H4Cl2 made by chlorinating benzene and used chiefly as a fumigant against clothes moths called also PDB

Thanks for the help guy


toliet bowl deodrizers that hang from a piece of wire is the quickest source or you can order from a bee equipment supplier
Wayne Cole

Michael Bush

Sometimes you can find it as moth balls, but sometimes the moth balls are napthalene, so make sure it's the right kind.

I prefer Certan (Bt).  It doesn't smell, isn't a carcinagen (like PDB, and it's basically permanat as far as getting rid of wax moths.

Buy it here:

Read about it here:'wax%20moths%20Bt'

Search for "Certan" or "Bt"
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Great news,this is the first time I have heard of BT control for waxmoths,and it sure sounds permanent compared to freezing.When I would freeze the combs,sometimes they would become reinfested if I could not store them in the freezer.personally never used paradichlorobenzine, because like you said Michael the benzenes are carcinogens.
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