hive in tree...maybe i made a mistake...any ideas?

Started by justtryintolearnhere, August 10, 2005, 04:08:09 AM

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my brother and i just today went into a fallen tree full of rot and there was a nice hive inside...we took ebuff comb filled with honey and some capped brood. there were also eggs and larvae... i have a large hive that is doing well ...we are in the middle of a huge cotton blooming period....i take it thats a major nectar flow? so im hoping they will have time to strenghten... we wired the comb into frames.   all of it filled 5 deep brood frames, thats counting the honey and capped brood and eggs and larvae...i was thinking in the morning i would take 2 frames of my thriving hive along with nurse bees and place those 2 frames in with the ones we took from tree and in 2 or 3 days add a queen...any advice here??? im hoping i havent ruined the treehive...i placed a nuc by the tree with combs of honey hoping to lure the ones in tree out...answers anyone? lead me in the right path here any advice wud be appreciated
just tryin to learn here

Michael Bush

If you remove all the comb from the tree then they will probably stay in your hive.  If not, they will not move out of the tree.
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