Started by lakonas67, June 14, 2005, 05:25:25 PM

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HI.sorry for my eglish.i am from greece.i have a farm and i have a problem with the weeds.my farm is around 6 acres.i use chemicals every spring to kill the weeds but next year the same problem.becasre i hate chemicals i like to ask you if anybody knows any natural way to kill the weeds.thanks

Horns Pure Honey

Heavy mulching with old straw works well becuase no light can get to the soil for the weeds to grow. This also saves on water use. :D
Ryan Horn

Miss Chick-a-BEE

You didn't specify where your weed problem is.

Is it in the garden? Using a mulch will help there.

Is it in a large pasture? Or your front yard? You wouldn't want to mulch something like that.

My husband suggested using GIN (alcohol). He said it will kill many small plants, including your grass or flowers. So use carefully around the plants you want to keep. It won't do much for a large problem bush. For a bush or tree you can try a copper rod pounded into the ground at the roots.



thanks for the help.the weeds are on all 5 acres

Miss Chick-a-BEE

These weeds may not be really a problem. Are you useing the 5 acres for a crop that you harvest? Many plants people consider weeds are actually wonderful sources of pollen and nectar for bees. Also, since it's such a large area, it would be very hard to control the whole area. Seeds will still be blowing in from other areas before you could control part of it. If you really MUST be rid of the weeds, and do not already have plans for what to plant there, maybe you could plant something that will take over stronger than the weeds.



i have olive trees and i dont like to use chemicals every year.if i dont use them it going to be like jugle


Try some geese. They are vegetarians, and don't NEED a pond or lake (but they do like them).  I've read that 5 or 6 geese can keep an acre of corn almost weed free. You will need to supplement their diet with purchased waterfowl feed.

Also, can you graze goats on the land? Nothing mows the lawn better and cheeper than a few goats. :P

Hers's a good article about goats and weed control: http://www.quiviracoalition.org/Newsletter18/Goats.html



I would agree on the goats.  Big eaters of everything, and instant fertilizer



the problems with the goats is thery going to eat the olive trees to.i try


Try looking at some organic websites. There are things like vineger and corn meal gluten that are not toxic but kill or stop weeds from sprouting.



Try mowing the area before the weeds go to seed,this may take several mowings a year but eventually the weeds will be under control.I am not sure what type of weed you are concerned with but in most cases the weeds actually improve soil stucture and fertility by bringing nutrients to the surface and adding organic matter. Turning an olive grove to goats may prove injurious to the olive trees because of the goats grazing on the trees and root damage. As for geese you would need hundreds and still raise some boney birds. Perhaps you could try an orchard site for more detailed info.
The person who walks in another's tracks leaves NO footprints.


dont know if you have the equipment or not but I would think that mowing would be the best way to manage weeds in an orchard, If it is like here the weeds will turn into grass and unless you want to grow something else under the trees that would make a nice surface. goats will stand on their hind feet and eat every leaf they can reach