Anybody finding more Varroa (or less) in swarms and cut-outs?

Started by SkepWrangler, June 30, 2012, 11:58:16 PM

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I'm looking for any comments...or better yet, some observable trends...regarding whether captured swarms or hives that came from cut-outs tend to have more Varroa destructor compared with managed hives.
FYI, I have been carefully checking drone brood in cut-outs, looking for evidence of Varroa.
Wondering if high Varroa numbers are an inducement to swarm?
Also wondering if healthy, rapidly-expanding hives are related to Varroa-resistant conditions which in turn cause swarms/feral hives to have some lower/higher incidence of Varroa.
Looking forward to hearing your experiences, thanks,


Strangely enough, I have had two hives in my yards destryed by SHB larvae.
I do a lot of cutouts and never see feral colonies with beetle problems. This year
has bee terrible for SHB. I don't worry much about Varoa and treat twice a year just
cause everybody else does. I use the fogger with mineral oil and wintergreen oil


Hello Beek1951,
Thanks for the reply.
Interestingly, we don't have SHB here.  I hear that it is just too dry for the SHB larvae to propagate.  Maybe I should have made my question more broad to ask about any kind of parasites or pests typically found in feral hives and swarms.  I DO hope to get some responses regarding a tendency toward more (or less) Varroa in non-managed colonies.
Best regards,


I have increased my hive count from five this spring to 21 currently, all from removals and swarms. Inspector came out and we did a thorough inspection of ten of them (one yard). We found NO mites and NO SHB!! :) She will be coming out soon to do inspections at the other yards soon. I have not seen any signs of either at those yards either. Also, I use no chemicals in my hives.


One thing to remember is that a break in brood production will have an effect on mite levels. 


Quote from: gardeningfireman on July 16, 2012, 03:44:17 PM
Inspector came out and we did a thorough inspection of ten of them (one yard). We found NO mites and NO SHB!! :)
Thank you for the informative reply!
Please let us know if, in future inspections, any Varroa is found.


Got the results from the samples the inspector sent in. No diseases and 1.4 mites per 100 bees.

Maryland Beekeeper

did about a dozen cutouts this season, maybe 15.
70% SHB infested or became so
25% Wax moth
saw one mite

all my hives have screened/oil trap bottoms
lost several to SHB had to do combinations and contortions all season long, bad year for SHB warm and wet
I did fog once a month.