Uncapped pupae with eyes or heads off

Started by neurobee, September 18, 2012, 04:10:03 PM

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I inspected my bees last night and noticed some uncapped pupae with purple eyes with partially chewed off or missing eyes/heads. The pupae could slide back and forth within the cells and appeared dried out, but were not crispy. They were white and not miss colored. Brood pattern was spotty, though I did not notice any miscolored larvae or sunken cappings. There was not a foul odor. I had a nearly fully capped shallow super on top (two deeps below). This was observed in the top deep). There were frames with pollen present in the deep.

Any idea what this could be?


I also saw this in one of my hives yesterday when I inspected.  I am thinking, as it is going into winter, that they are drones that the bees are killing before they emerge.


Yes, probably drones, its that time of year