Beekeeping in Romania (tax issue)

Started by silviu318, January 29, 2013, 01:05:27 PM

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I am a beekeeper in Romania. :)

This year, the government put a flat tax on each hive (16% on average production, equivalent to 3.50 euro / hive). Government does not provide subsidy beekeepers. We only have "National Beekeeping Programme" which receives up to 24% cash back on treatment or food. (Depends on how many beekeepers have accessed NBP)

My question is whether other countries are taxed in beekeeping? How much? receive a subsidy from the government for beekeeping?
European law is to prevent charging beekeeping?

Only good! Bye!

Vance G

Our government does not do that yet.  When do they count the colonies?  It seems that 20% of colonies die every year and One makes extra replacements becaus some of them are not going to survive.  Sounds unfair like most taxation. 


Quote from: Vance G on January 29, 2013, 01:35:09 PM
When do they count the colonies?  

they don't! to benefit from "NBP" must register hives with "number plates" received from the government. it is like a circle!
if you want 24% back on treatment or food, must be registered, but have to pay tax!
if colonies die, we will pay because it's a flat tax.

Vance G

Our government is getting worse on worse on massive taxation but has not yet started a program like this.  We have agricultural programs that only pay benefits if you register with them and follow their rules.  But no specific tax per unit.  If you join the program you get gouged for a small tax per each animal or bushel you sell.  That money is supposed to go for advertizing promotion of that article.

little john

Sounds like a retrograde step to me - most EU countries are trying to increase the number of beekeepers (and thus the number of bees), not discourage them by the imposition of taxes !

Suggest you form or join a collective organisation, and lobby your regional MP. Your Euro-MP would also be worth contacting, in view of the EU's position on this issue. Collective voices are always stronger than those of individuals.

An example of the EU's position on beekeeping encouragement can be seen in this 2011 European Parliament report:

QuoteOn honeybee health and the challenges of the beekeeping sector (2011/2108(INI))

46. Calls on the Commission to consider the possibility of creating a special scheme for assistance to beekeepers within the framework of the direct aid scheme, for example through bee colony payments, which will help safeguard the beekeeping sector in the EU, keep beekeepers in beekeeping, encourage young people to become beekeepers and ensure bees continue to act as pollinators;


Sorry - forgot to answer your question - no taxes of any kind on hives in Britain. However, if any products from the hive are sold (honey, bees, wax etc) then this income is taxable (in theory ...).
A Heretics Guide to Beekeeping -


Thanks for answers!

Quote from: little john on January 29, 2013, 02:46:23 PM
Sounds like a retrograde step to me...
Suggest you form or join a collective organisation... Collective voices are always stronger than those of individuals.

I am enrolled in a collective organisation, as a member in an association of beekeepers in my region, but the government does not consider our opinion.
Funny part: if you have 50 hives you will pay nothing, but if you have 51 will pay. at 100 hives tax is bigger. Seems a retrograde step for me too.

Now I will go to Romanian forum and discuss with others beekeepers about the solution with Euro-MP!



I heard from a German beekeeper that they have something, if 51 hives triggers extra cost....your mother has 49 hives, your sister has 49 hives, your neighbor has 49 hives...anything to keep you from having 200 hives :)



Quote from: deknow on January 29, 2013, 06:22:10 PM
51 hives triggers extra cost....your mother has 49 hives, your sister has 49 hives, your neighbor has 49 hives...anything to keep you from having 200 hives :)


Yes, if it was so, but the registration is on house number like my ID. A solution is to register only 49 and the rest of 100 to keep on black.

Quote from: little john on January 29, 2013, 02:46:23 PM

An example of the EU's position on beekeeping encouragement can be seen in this 2011 European Parliament report:

QuoteOn honeybee health and the challenges of the beekeeping sector (2011/2108(INI))
46. Calls on the Commission to consider the possibility of creating a special scheme for assistance to beekeepers within the framework of the direct aid scheme, for example through bee colony payments, which will help safeguard the beekeeping sector in the EU, keep beekeepers in beekeeping, encourage young people to become beekeepers and ensure bees continue to act as pollinators;


LJ, can you give me a link to whole report, or else, where can I will find this in EU legislation about beekeeping?



In Finland we have normal progressive tax. If I have netto earnings, I pay tax from it.

A professional beekeeper has company taxation. Often he has employers. The owner can pick money from company and it has own taxation.

We have no taxes per hive.
Language barrier NOT included

little john

Quote from: silviu318 on January 30, 2013, 02:05:27 AM

LJ, can you give me a link to whole report, or else, where can I will find this in EU legislation about beekeeping?


Silviu - sorry about the delay in replying, I've only just looked in again on this thread.

I haven't saved any links to the sources I quoted from - but I have saved the .pdf document files from which I got the info. They will undoubtedly contain further links for research.

So - if you PM me, and let me know your email address - I can send them to you. The 2 EU Parliament files are small, < 300K , but the Government of Romania: National Rural Development Programme, 2007-2013 is  7Mb.  You may already have this ?  If not, I'll send it if you want it.

A Heretics Guide to Beekeeping -


So let me get this right if you register for 3.50 euro then the gov will cover 24% of the cost of feed and treatments? How much is the 24% worth in euros or am I completely off base???
Michael Haddon