The chance queen cell not accepted

Started by Mircea_63, June 28, 2013, 07:35:21 AM

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What is the chance at queen cell for be destroyed, if beekeeper put them in to a hive with larvae and  Queenless?

I know sometime the bees destroy this cell and make his own queen cell. A not-mated queen  is hard accepted if the bees have chance to raise his own queen.

What is the best way to be accepted a not-mated queen or a queen cell. I know  the young bees (nurse) accept  easier than old bees.

I know gold hour (Sklenar), but the acceptance off queen cell or a queen not-mated is a large subject and yours practise and yours experience
will be very important for a beginner like me.

Thank you if forwarded the experience!

Michael Bush

>What is the chance at queen cell for be destroyed, if beekeeper put them in to a hive with larvae and  Queenless?

"Well-fed bees very seldom tear down cells. Just why I do not claim to know. I discovered this fact about thirty years ago. We were then using a mating hive holding two frames of honey. The bees tore down the cells just as fast as we gave them. I had been told that bees tear down cells because they are strange to them, similar to their reaction when introducing a strange queen. If that were true it seemed that little could be done about it. I sat down on a stump to think it over for most things can be worked out if we use the right formula. I remember that bees tear down cells worse at times than others. Why? It could not be because the cells were strange to the bees for they were always strange yet at times few were torn down while at others, as at present, nearly all were destroyed. Another reason was this: In introducing cells I often had some left over and would put them back into any hive I was using for cell building, often putting them into a hive that had not built them, yet in doing this many times, there never was a single cell torn down. That was proof that the bees did not tear them down because they were strange. Then why did the bees in the mating hives destroy the cells while the bees in the cell builders did not? Plainly it was because the bees in the cell-building colonies have been well fed while the bees in the mating hives had not. To test out my theory I fed the bees in the mating hives that were to receive the cells the next day. The more I thought of it the more certain I was that it would work. But, what would the bees think about it? Cells were given the next day and I was delighted to see a high percentage of them was accepted.

"Well-Fed Bees do not Tear Down Cells

"So my conclusion was that well-fed bees do not tear down cells. True, even during a heavy honey flow some cells will be destroyed but in such cases there may be a large amount of unsealed brood and few fielders so in reality the bees are not well fed. Liberal feeding will make acceptance sure. When there is a honey flow we do not feed but remove the laying queen one day and give a cell the next day and have very little loss. Often, when we had an abundance of ripe cells, we removed the layer and at the same time put in a ripe cell. When there was a honey flow we had a good acceptance but the results are rather uncertain so we do not recommend it."--Jay Smith, Better Queens
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