Queen less hive

Started by don2, June 16, 2013, 07:28:52 PM

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Will the queen less hive settle down once they have queen cells started?  :) d2


Not always.  All hives are different, but the queenless hives I've had that are hot tend to calm a bit after the queen is mated and starts laying.  Until then, it's all about the suit, the gloves, and the smoke!  :-\


I just found out today the queen was still in the original hive/location. The one that was making the fuss. I had done a split not knowing which box the queen was in. That was Friday. Today I found 6 queen cells in the box I moved. 3 sealed and 3 on the way to being sealed. I had noted where the eggs and freshly hatched brood was in the split. The 3 capped cells was on the ones that were brood Friday. The egg ones were the ones that were not capped. I will split it again Friday to make two mating nucs out of them. Then I will double deck the nucs till they get 7 to 9 frames filled. Each new nuc will be getting 3 frames of bees and capped worker brood each. The mother queen is a solid pattern layer. Missing maybe 6 or 8 cells on a frame. Will be pleased if things continues to go this smooth. Thanks for the reply.  :) d2