A true Story

Started by OldMech, September 24, 2013, 12:37:52 AM

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   A little humor at MY expense!

   I used to raise English Springr Spaniels, and train them..   Perhaps, the most wonderful full time job i ever had.

   Every so often, I would pick a pup from a littler, and raise it myself, and begin training it.
   This particular pup was black and white, a full blanket back and SMART as a whip.  I could train that pup to do anything. He knew hand signals, he knew the whistle. This pup could mark 5 birds down and retrieve them ALL without help from me..
   The problem with this pup was, he would not get within arms reach. He would NOT deliver the birds to hand. He dropped them about two feet away and backed off, sat down and watched/waited..
   IN the house, he was fine, came when called, sat in my lap and was perfect.. but once outside, he seemed to think that getting within arms reach was a bad thing, and I never did figure out WHY, but it was a problem I had to correct...
   If any of you ever had an English Springer, you know that a harsh word nearly breaks them in half and tears their hearts out, so this isnt a breed you can get rough with...
   I tried, and I tried, and I tried to get this pup to come to me when we were outside... to no avail..   Once IN the house, he would run right to me every time...   In frustration.. i ordered a TriTronics dog training collar...

   Now. I am not going to just put this thing on my dog and push the button. I NEED to know what its going to do, how bad its going to hurt... so I charge it up, and sit at the table... My wife with her coffee in hand watching, shaking her head as usual.. as I installed the low intensity pin, put my fingers on the tips, and pushed the button....
   Yeah, it tingled.. no worries.. So i jumped up a couple pins to a higher intensity, and pushed the button again..   Yeah, tingled a bit more, but.. pah, this is nothing.. so I installed the high intensity pin, put my fingers on them, and pushed the button...

   I'm not sure what happened.. I seem to remember... flopping over backwards...  I only know I ended up on the floor, the table knocked over, my chair half way across the room, the collar in the hallway about twenty feet from where I had been sitting.... and my wife... now wearing her coffee, sloooooowly slid down the counter to her butt as she made this High pitched KEENING sound I had never heard her make before.. then her feet started to kick as she fell over on her side.. I was sure she was having a siezure... because if she wasnt I was going t KILL her...
   So.. as she continued to make the odd snort interrupted keening sounds..  while kicking her feet...   I picked myself up off the floor, and looked at my fingers... they seemed fine...  I stood the table back on its legs as my wife tried to push herself upright, and turned to face her, with my hands on my hips.. at which point, her feet both kicked out again, and the keening snorting NOW interspersed with Painful moans as she held her stomach began anew...   I looked down, and realized... I had wet myself.....

   I threw that pin in the garbage, and two days later, that pup came to me at a dead RUN whenever I called his name..  and my wife? well, I didnt kill her,  but she did start giggling like a maniac every time I got that STUPID collar out to charge it......   I dont train Springers anymore.. and tried once to throw the collar away...  Only to find it on top of the cabinets...    For the wonderful memories she says....
39 Hives and growing.  Havent found the end of the comfort zone yet.



:lau: :lau: :lau: :lau:
That is a great story. There is another one similar to yours where the guy actually put it on his neck (with no one around) and with the control in his hand, pushed the button. The shock was so bad that his hand locked up with the button mashed. He woke up the next morning with every muscle in his body sore as can be. He was lucky to be alive. The way he told it, you could tell what was coming and I was laughing so hard that I could not finish reading it due to the tears in my eyes. I actually had to stop reading, stop laughing and clear my eyes, several times before I finished the whole story. He never used that collar on the dog.
Democracy is 2 wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote.
Ben Franklin


hehe I wouldnt have either if mine only came with the high intensity pin.. man that thing was brutal. 
39 Hives and growing.  Havent found the end of the comfort zone yet.