minn needs nuc or anybody that is spliting hive, in mn

Started by rosey, May 30, 2006, 05:22:16 PM

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was shipped dead bees and queens twice, was wondering if anybody
is spplitting there hives or have nucs forsale. will pick-up
i am located in stacy,mn

found a very nice man in zimmerman, that had a full hive, queen and
full drawn super that we transferred to my super early saturday morn.

new bees check your local bee assocition, they have lots of names
and suppliers in your state. you may not need to have your bees
shipped to you from 10 states away. which i had done this before all
the hassel of dead bee shippment, guess i should have done more
investigating, before i orderdered out of state bees.

i am so happy now, he even took the time to give me a few pointers,
like this web site. thanks beemaster

Brian D. Bray

What's the problem?  Post Office or Supplier? What's the warranty on packaged bees these days?  I hope you're raising hobb with both sections of the pipeline.
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